BE STEADY IN THE LORD! #MrsApenyaDcEntebbeKitooro We Christians - TopicsExpress


BE STEADY IN THE LORD! #MrsApenyaDcEntebbeKitooro We Christians need to be like soldiers. 1. A soldier will immediately be known by his uniform; therefore, put on the full armor of God. Ephesians 6:13-16 When you put wear the full armor of God, be steady because the enemy will see you and recognise you. As a soldier if Christ, wear the full armor of God at all times. 2. Be WATCHFUL/ ALERT like a soldier; watch and pray, nothing should take you by surprise. Mark 13:33 3. A soldier has a COMMANDER in the hierarchy of the army. You need to obey the Commander without questioning; our Chief Commander has put commanders over us who we should obey. John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice... When you SPEND TIME with your Commander, you will know His Voice. If you dont know the voice of your commander, you will fall into an ambush by the enemy. Today there are so many voices but only listen to the voice of your Commander. 4. Be SURE of what your Commander tells you. Eve most probably was deceived because she wasnt firm/sure in what her Commander instructed. Anything outside or inconsistent with the Bible shouldnt be believed. 5. GUARD your TONGUE, SIEVE your WORDS. A soldier doesnt talk anyhow; he doesnt release classified information even at the point of death. A soldier also doesnt meddle with the affairs of civilians; he doesnt mix the two. Be focussed and mindful of Kingdom business. FIGHT TO WIN. Have positive attitude always. Soldiers fight to win; they go to battle with a positive attitude of winning even though they are sure some will not return. Have confidence in the LORD. 7. RETREAT. Sometimes, soldiers have to strategically retreat for reorganising and refreshing. You need encouragement and direction. Theres a time to go to the feet of Jesus for REFRESHMENT, REPLENISHMENT, ENCOURAGEMENT and DIRECTION before you go back to the frontline. 8. Take CARE of the WOUNDED. Soldiers do their best to carry their own who have been wounded. Sometimes we get wounded/ crushed and we need help from brethren to recover. Galatians 6:2-3 Carry one anothers burden; when one falls down, restore him gently. 9. Accept DISCIPLINE. The LORD disciplines them that He loves. Lets learn to accept discipline. Soldiers are disciplined when need be and they accept the discipline. We need to know how to respond to discipline; when you have been disciplined, dont run away, just accept the discipline, change and do what you are expected to do. 10. BEHOLD. It means: Watch Be attentive Be alert Be steady Isaiah 43:19 Revelation 3:20 Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My Voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me. 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good FIGHT, FINISHED THE RACE, KEPT THE FAITH. LETS STRIVE TO DO THE SAME, AMEN. BUT IF YOU ARENT YET A SOLDIER, YOU CAN BECOME ONE John 3:3, Romans 10:9-10 LEST AFTER LABOURING TO FIGHT, YOU ARE INSTEAD ARREST AND CAST OUT WHERE THERE IS WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH. God bless you today!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:12:11 +0000

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