BE STILL In the first chapter of Mark, we read that in the - TopicsExpress


BE STILL In the first chapter of Mark, we read that in the darkness of the early morning hours, Jesus went to a solitary place and prayed. So, too, should we. But sometimes finding quiet moments of solitude is difficult indeed. We live in a noisy world, a place filled with distractions, frustration and complications. BUT if we allow distractions of the clamorous world to separate us from Gods peace, we do ourselves a profound disservice. IF we seek to maintain righteous minds and compassionate hearts, we must take time each day for prayer and meditation. WE must make ourselves still in the presence of our Creator. We must quiet our minds and our hearts so that we can sense Gods will, Gods love, and Gods Son. Are you one of those busy people who rushed through the day with scarcely a single moment for quiet contemplation and prayer? If so its time to reorder your priorities. Has the busy pace of life robbed you of the peace that might otherwise be yours through Jesus Christ? Nothing is more important than the time you spend with your Savior. So be still and claim the inner peace that is your spiritual birthright: the peace of Jesus Christ. It is offered freely; it has been paid for in full; it is yours for the asking. SO ASK and then share. Prayer Lord your Holy Word is a light unto the world; let me study it, trust it, and share it with all who cross my path. Let me discover You, Father in the quiet moments of the day. And, in all that I say and do, help me to be a worthy witness as I share the Good News of Your perfect Son and Your perfect Word. AMEN. Go to verse#2014:For the Spirit GOD gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:04:34 +0000

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