BE VERY CAREFUL ON WHAT YOU READ. THE MESSAGEFROM NDI IGBO FACEBOOK PAGE IS FAKE. SEE THEOFFICIAL POST!!! Rev. Father Mbaka: Jonathan Is Surrounded By CorruptOfficials Renowned Enugu-based Catholic priest Rev. FatherCamillus Ejike Mbaka yesterday reversed his supportfor President Goodluck Jonathan over his inability tostop corruption and loss of innocent lives. He spoke while delivering a sermon tagged, “FromGood luck to Bad luck,” during the end-of-year massWednesday night at the Adoration Ground, Emene,Enugu. Rev. Father Mbaka, Founder of Adoration Ministry,Enugu said Jonathan has surrounded himself with verycorrupt public officials. As a result, he said, thePresident has turned a blind eye to their corruptactivities while millions of Nigerians suffer daily inabject poverty and endless insecurity. He said: “Jonathan has ruled for six years. We needchange. NEPA is not working because of corruption. Theprivatization of public companies has not yielded anyfruit because of corruption. “Jonathan surrounded himself with very corruptofficers who advise him. Nigerians are sick and tired ofwasting innocent lives without government doingenough to stop the destruction.” He said he and millions of Nigerians were disappointedby the government’s failure to ensure the release ofthe Chibok girls kidnapped by the Boko Haram terroristsover 200 days ago. “Up till now, nobody knows the whereabouts of theinnocent Chibok girls kidnapped by Boko Haram and wesay we have a government that cannot guarantee thewelfare, safety and security of the citizens,” he toldthe congregation of over 30,000 worshippers. The cleric said he resisted delivering the sermon whichhe said came from the Holy Ghost but that God warnedhim to ensure the message was given to the nation notminding whose ox was gored. Fr. Mbaka recently anointed Mrs. Patience Jonathan asthe next First Lady in 2015. The First Lady, and theDeputy Senate President Senator Ike Ekweremaduworshipped at the Adoration Ministry where the FirstLady admitted that she experienced “a spiritualrebirth.” Fr. Mbaka that day released some birds that he saidwould go and fight for Jonathan. But on Wednesday night Fr. Mbaka said Jonathan wasgoing nowhere as far as next year’s election wasconcerned, recalling that one of the birds – which hereleased during Mrs. Jonathan’s visit has refused tofly. “All the other birds I released flew away but thehealthiest of them which is Jonathan’s bird could notfly. I tried to make it fly but it could not fly,” herecalled to a hugely excited congregation that cheeredhim on. When Jonathan was aspiring to become Nigeria’sPresident, Mbaka said he was happy like otherNigerians but that the bad luck which millions of thecitizens had faced since he came into office was quitedisturbing; hence the masses want a change. “Nigerians are calling for change. We need achange,” he repeated. “We don’t want to movefrom bad luck to bad luck; Nigerians want to move frombad luck to good luck,” he said. Fr. Mbaka criticised other priests who, he alleged,visited the Presidential Villa and other GovernmentHouses in the country to hold “Breakfast Prayer”with the politicians only to collect fat envelopes ofmoney rather than “tell the politicians the level ofhardship the poor masses are suffering.” He added: “The men of God only go there to dine andwine with the leaders for their own welfare withouttelling them the truth. But I’m happy that I, Fr. Mbaka,I’m not that type of priest. If you want money, I dashyou money because the God I serve has blessed meabundantly.” Commenting on the presidential candidate of the AllProgressives Congress (APC) and former Head of StateGeneral Muhammadu Buhari, Fr. Mbaka, said Buharicannot Islamise Nigeria as being rumoured in somecircles. He said he had never met the General but recalled thathe fought corruption seriously as Head of State. “I don’t know Buhari. I have never sat with himbefore. I am not being partisan, but I want total changein Nigeria. “Buhari cannot make Nigeria an Islamic countrybecause we are in democracy. It was IBB governmentthat dragged Nigeria into OIC. When Buhari foughtcorruption, people became careful about their actions.Anyone who says Buhari will Islamise Nigeria is notbeing fair,” said Mbaka. He added that he was not bothered whether the nextPresident would be a Northerner or Yoruba or Igbo solong as the person fights corruption and means well forthe citizens. “If a northerner will rule the country and insecuritywill stop, so be it. If a Yoruba man will rule Nigeria in2015 and we have peace and stop the shedding ofinnocent blood, so be it. Nigerians are tired of wastinginnocent lives,” he said. The end-of-year Adoration mass was attended by somenotable politicians from Enugu, Ebonyi and AnambraStates. Source: Dailytrust
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:08:00 +0000

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