BE VERY CLEAR IN YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF HAPPINESS. . . . it is a cheap and temporary substitute of real joy that comes .... IN THE PROCESS OF IN WALK OF FAITH IN CHRIST. TO GOD BE THE GLORY AMEN. A PERSPECTIVE OF WHOLENESS ...IN THE MIND OF CHRIST AS CHRIST BELIEVERS WALK OF FAITH IN GOD..... We all need to know How Jesus did! Praise to You Holy God Immortal One through Your Holy Spirit. Hallelujah Jesus Amen. The person who has the mind of Christ perceives and thinks in terms of wholeness. Jesus did not heal specific ailments without regard to the rest of a persons life. Certainly He cured blindness, lameness, leprosy, and many other conditions, but He did so in a way that allowed a person to become truly whole. The Jewish concept of man at that time was much more integrated than our current concept. Today, people routinely talk about the mind, emotions, body, and spirit if they are four neatly divided and easily charted categories of an individual. We humans also tended to subdivide each of these areas.... so that we talk about bodily functions, attributes, and systems ....... as if they are not connected to every other aspect of a persons physical being. We think that a physician is on the cutting edge of healthcare if she makes a connection between a persons thinking and his ailment. Not long ago, a person introduced me to a ten-dollar scientific medical phrase ... THAT IS EASY TO UNDERSTAND ONLY......... if you break it down into much smaller parts : THE WORD : psychoneuro-immunological pathway ...basically this means ..... that what a person thinks (psych) impacts the functioning of the neuro-transmitters in the brain (neuro- the connecting rod) of your mind, which in turn govern the production and function of the immune cells of the body (immuno), which regulate how the body responds to and overcomes invading bacteria, viruses, and fungi that can cause inflamation. If left unchecked, inflamation can set up in the walls of the circulatory system and be a major factor in heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. In short, the way a person thinks has ... a very direct way-ALONG an increasingly determined pathway---- of impacting HOW AND TO WHAT EXTENT HE OR SHE BECOMES SICK. The truth is, GOD KNEW THAT ALL ALONG. Jesus healed people in a way that not only removed the symptoms from their bodies, but also set them on a path of thinking straight! He told the sick time and again that they had been MADE WHOLE (MATTHEW 9:22 ; LUKE 8:50; JOHN 5:14 KJV)..... WHICH MEANS THAT HE WANTED THEM (of course you and I, all of us!).... to change their attitudes, their thoughts, and their mental approach to life, in addition to their physical behavior ( in lumang gawi or sa pagbabago!) The Holy Scriptures is filled with Truth on this subject as we have said. PROVERBS 23:7 ...ADDRESSES THIS DIRECTLY, TELLING us that man thinks in this heart, so is he. What does that mean to you and me..... AS WE MAKE CHOICES AND DECISIONS? IT INDICATES THAT WE MUST CONTINUALLY ...... ASK THE LORD TO SHOW us the bigger picture. We need to ask, How does this relate to the whole of my life? To the wholeness of my family? To the entire body of CHRIST? (Hindi yaong hiwa-hiwalay! magkarugtong ang lahat ng iyan po!). Our decisions BECOME CLEARER when we consider them against GODs plan for wholeness (upang ikaw ay maging buo muli at ganap!) What may seem pleasurable and right in the moment is suddenly and absolutely dead wrong when we become aware of the impact on other people or on our Christian testimony. In addition to considering the impact of our attitudes, words, and actions on other people... we are wise to make decisions in the light of the whole of our lives. Too, often we make choices that seem right or the current day, month, or year. But we fail to consider how decision might fit into the overall pattern of our lives or our SPIRITUAL GROWTH OVERTIME. THREE POPULAR WORDS IN OUR CULTURE TODAY,... I HEARD THEM ALL AROUND. People feel they have a right to do whatever they want without regard to others. They believe they have an inherent freedom to act in ways that are immoral, reckless, and at the very least inconsiderate. Still others talk about happiness as if it is the end-all and be-all of life. No where in Gods Word does it say . . . you have the right to do whatever you please. You are not given the freedom to hurt others, dis-respect others, or violate the commandments of God. . . Scriptures does not promise you or any other person uninterrupted happiness, and never does God call anyone to the pursuit of happiness. BE VERY CLEAR IN YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF HAPPINESS. . . . it is a cheap and temporary substitute for the real joy that comes .... FROM HAVING A SOLID RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Happiness is fleeting and based on outer circumstances..... BUT JOY IS LASTING, ETERNAL AND DEEPLY ROOTED IN THE SPIRIT OF GOD. NEVER SETTLE For Less than HIS BEST IN GOD WE TRUST ALONE. GOD BLESS YOU
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 04:50:50 +0000

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