BE YOUR OWN HERO - THE COSMOS- YOUR GUTFEELING- THE DECISION OF LEAVING It can happen that I am not available on facebook for some days, or some weeks. This is NOT because I deleted YOU. It is because, I love my own space. I love to enjoy myself, and ONLY my energy. It is not because I feel terrible, or I am depressed. I just feel very good, being alone, when I am overly satisfied with information, even sounds, and other energies. It could be my highly sensitive nature, it could be ADD, it could also be I love my own creative madness, and I love myself as a best friend.- I do not even care, It is just me. I am not a robot that can function everyday on topspeed. I do not even want to. I would highly recommend it to everyone, to sometimes shut ALL social media, emails, internet and the telephone... And just feel just yourself. Earth yourself, feel only YOUR own feelings. Feel your personal goals, feel where you want to be headed to, and let go (come back to the now). WHILE CHILLIN Just chillin Btw, I made up my mind: I am not longer coming home everyday and cry, because the house does not feel good. For nine months, I observe my body and feelings, and have tested out EVERYTHING (from healings ro products for home-improvement, gemstones, different food-pattern) It only brought me more to my gutfeelings- It is ALL about instinct.... - And mine is GREAT (when I listen My mother says Oh youre sooooo highly sensitive. Some friends say: You just got your own house, just stay!, It is the perfect must-have location, and you have your own garden- I know! And so called enlightened spiritual know-it-all saying: It is all INSIDE you, change your thoughts, and the house will change. This is IN your head!. (And they are sick and depressed anyways- But cannot start with being human- Thats ok) I tried it all, I havent been sleeping here 1 night normal, I am dizzy all day long, I am tired, I feel sick, I cannot barely eat here. And it is NOT good. No matter If I meditate 10 hours on this, I know how to change my body and thoughts with meditation. I learned to ONLY listen to my body, intuition and Gut- feeling. I learned most people are weakened by society, and they are ASLEEP. I know most people give me those advies, because they do not feel anything around them anymore. I truly have been astonished by how people treated me, when I said, that when I am in my house, I feel totally sick and exhausted, and complete depression. And I also knew what was going on. It needed three companies with highly technology equipment, to convince any friend, what I suggested all along. MY intuition would say: You feel it good girl, MOVE. - I have always been AWARE. MY BODY IS SACRED, SO IS MY INTUITION I FEEL with my body and all my senses if a place is negative or high vibrational. I have to stop with listening to anyone else, except for me. And I never had anything wrong in my whole life. I always was accurate. I have to trust myself on this one to. I will listen to my body, and I have to think of my future. So I called this week to my landlord: I want to move out...NOW. This is not easy, as my father, was my house (in my heart). I do feel stronger at this point, that I carry myself in my own heart to... and So I do not need a sickening home. I cannot grow here, I cannot function here, I am to aware to be happy in a place that makes me weak in every way. - I guess this is SELF-LOVE also. I accept also my highly sensitive nature as a POWER. And to BE in power, I need a natural, fresh, high vibrational home. That reloads me, energizes me, makes me sing, makes me happy, gives me peace. I deserve this. I think I deserve it NOW, I give myself a present: I will look with my soul, see with my eyes, and feel with my heart, to find a home that brings me what I wish for. THAT is loving me, my health, spirit and body. I have never made any mistake- In my visions/energetic work, in my work with helping others. I was always accurate. Why do I not trust myself time and time again, when it comes to houses? Why do I eat superfoods and vitamin supplements, anti-cancer tea, I give out all this money, and live in so much fear, while I know I live in a place that makes my body really sick. Why do I keep on trying to survive everyday? To make society happy? To make my friends happy? For who am I all doing this, knowing it makes me sick and a very unhappy person. And I see it all around me... Sleepy people. People rather take sleeping pills or anti-depressives, even when they know the caue of their illness. I do not want to hear the diagnosis of cancer soon, So I must leave. And I will do this for myself. I told the cosmos, what I need, And the first step is, to let the cosmos work.... Let it go now.... be in the now, as this also will unfold the next couple of weeks. I will put my trust in the comsos, as I have always done And this one is for EVERYBODY. To stop being ASLEEP. If you cannot sleep well in a home, every day in and out.... you are unhappy: LEAVE. Trust the cosmos, that you get rewarded, as always, when you choose for self-love. ALWAYS. TRUST THE COSMOS As I thanked all the things this house learned me, thank the house-angels for protecting me. I thanked the neighbourhood, for the kindness and comfort. I thaned the ground for absorbing my negative energy sometimes and to ground me. I thanked for the lessons, this house brought me, I also said goodbye. I must leave now, this is the moment, I feel that we need to say goodbye. Now, I am open to live anywhere on this planet... as long as I feel good and healthy, I do not care anymore. My health and energy and happiness are More important then what ANYONE thinks of my descision. It is more important then stuff, and money etc. So anyone who knows a house around nature, quiet, on the ground, near a forrest and a nice town, I do not care where.... inbox me... As I want to house swap or leave a.s.a.p. #newworld Ps- Why do I write this story down? To be open in my process, and to make all those people feel they are NOT alone, when you think the whole society doesnt understand you, even though you feel/see it so clearly. I hope you find an comfort, I am sitting behind my computer, feeling te same way! Maybe you enjoy my descision in self-love, and to trust only your GUT feeling... *YOU ARE yOUR OWN HERO* *WORK WITH THE COSMOS* *ALWAYS trust your first GUT-feeling, with anything! and Anyone ;-) * Written by: ~ Leda Langedijk, enlighteningmedia
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 18:11:12 +0000

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