BEAM YOU UP SCOTTY : OR HOW TO SURVIVE IMMINENT EARTH CHANGES ! The first concept is that other world life forms from outer-space do exist. Any person whom says otherwise is a fool. They are very good aliens, and they look and act, and are very human, just like us. They have fourth and higher dimensional capabilities and have been around for uncountable millions of years. Because of our petitions, God has now sent many of them to Planet Earth to help us find Truth and regain our freedom from our evil world controllers. Our world controllers did not want us to know that these space brothers and sisters had come to help us save ourselves from their diabolical planned Satanic New World Order. The second concept hidden from us is that of reincarnation. Reincarnation is the coming again of your God-Spirit, or soul, to live within another physical body in another human lifetime. Because our God-Spirit within is a fragment of Gods Spirit, it is immortal and lives forever. Our work is soul perfection. Through free-will choices in the physical human third-dimension, we learn the wisdom of Truth, and, thus, soul perfection. We all have lived many lifetimes in our journey of soul perfection to become one with God and The Creation. People will continue on the wheel of reincarnations until they have perfected and learned their lessons and have achieved their own personal soul perfection. Esu (Jesus) Immanuel taught this concept to his disciples, but within 500 years the Luciferic religious leaders had hidden and buried this information from common knowledge. Again, the evil world controllers did not want us to know how we could escape our physical lifestreams under their continuous evil domination. A third concept was hidden from us by the evil world controllers, that Esu (Jesus) Immanuel would return to Planet Earth the same way he left 2000 years ago---via spaceship ! In 525 AD, the second council of Constantinople was held by the religious church leaders of the day, to deliberately and controversially alter and rearrange the scriptures, to serve the desire of their own evil self - serving intent and controlling personal and manipulative and sinister religious agenda. At that time, for example, they removed all the teachings of Esu Immanuel, concerning reincarnation, and any specific mention of starships, removing these revelations from the pages of the holy bible. Reincarnation, references to other world visitors, humanoids, and cosmic travel by starships, stargates, and time travelling, are just a few of the facts of truth, removed from the early writings. Jesus will return from the sky, but mounted upon no white horse, but instead he will arrive commanding a beautiful, fantastic, star studded, mind blowing, intergalactic, interdimensional, time travelling Mothership called New Jerusalem. He lives in the real world, you see, and not inside the savagely edited version of Mans deeply manipulated, systematically re - translated, reinvented, and historically muddled and subterfuge bible, with all of its multitudes of detracting and deceptive additions and subtractions. The lies of the twisted records tell us that Esu (Jesus) Immanuel ascended into the clouds. The Truth is he left by spaceship. He will return aboard a spaceship as Commander of the Hosts of Heaven, and he will lift-off his enlightened ones and take them to Pleiades (Heaven) when God gives the orders to do so. I do not argue with anyone about the twisted record of Lucifers War Book, commonly called the Holy Bible. I am not here to convince anyone of anything. I simply present the Truth given to us in our day. This Truth is from the ORIGINAL text recorded 2000 years ago concerning Esu (Jesus) Immanuel. This record has been preserved by our celestial brothers and sisters, the Pleiadians, who are here now, with other star nations, and whom you may recognize as the Hosts of Heaven. At our request the Pleiadians have been sent by God to bring us Truth. They can not save us. We must save ourselves, but they will tell us how. There is a divine law of the cosmos called The Law of Non-intervention. This law states that no one of the Lighted Realms can usurp our free-will. We must make our own free-will choices without any divine intervention. To do so would cause us to be nothing more than robots. Thus, the Pleiadians, and the others, can only present to us the Truth of Gods Laws and of The Creation according to those very laws.. This Truth has been transmitted through many forms and means, and methods of communication signal from the Pleiades Star Fleet presently orbiting Planet Earth. Let us answer the question, How do I leave Planet Earth when Esu (Jesus) Immanuel returns? Firstly, only those who are enlightened will be able to go with Esu Immanuel to Heaven, or the Lighted Realms. To be enlightened means to understand the Truth of Gods Laws and The Laws of Creation, and to live that Truth in your personal life. Once you have understood these laws and your errors, you are to forgive yourself, forgive those whom have wronged you, and then ask your God-Spirit within to forgive you as well. By doing this you release yourself from your disconnected past, and move into Gods Light, Love, and protection. You then proceed through the wisdom of Truth to live the Laws of Balance in all your daily affairs. At that point, when by your own free-will you decide to follow The Laws of Balance, and have forgiven yourself of your errors, your name will be placed in The Book of Life of the Lighted Realms. You will then be under Pleiadian command protection, and scheduled for pick-up when lift-off time occurs. The doors of Inner Earth too will open up. Esu (Jesus) Immanuel has returned, as he said he would, in 2000 years, at the end of the age. He returned in 1954, and is waiting on board a starship which is presently orbiting Planet Earth. After 2000 years Jesus has earned the name, Sananda. This celestial name means all power of the Central Sun, and Sananda is now the King of Truth. He is awaiting Gods orders to lift off the remnant, those who are enlightened, and take them to Pleiades (Heaven) of The Lighted Realms. This may happen at any given moment. The remaining time to lift-off One is very short.. Many people who associate with Lucifers Christian cult churches today believe in a rapture in which Jesus is to return in the clouds and sweep them up into the clouds---up, up and away to Heaven! This is part of Lucifers Lie! The Hosts of Heaven, our celestial brothers and sisters, have always used starships to travel from star to star, or from planet to planet.. At his ascension, Sananda again left his disciples, via a spaceship., He told them that he would return the same way he left them. That, he will do. Lucifers trick is to have others believe otherwise and miss lift-off. Those who are enlightened and are walking their Lighted pathway will know when lift-off One occurs. They are sealed under Divine protection, and names are recorded on the Pleiadians computer, Ashtar Command, has locked onto them and constantly monitors their location, watches over them and protects them. When a starship approaches one may ask, Are you of the Lighted Realms? Divine Law requires that the ship commander must give a reply of yes or no. Of course, those who are enlightened know how to board a starship of the Lighted Realms. Without fear they simply step into the beam of light and are transported aboard the starship. From there they will decide where they will go for their next assignments in soul growth in Heavens Realms. By free-will choice many people will choose to follow the Lie of Lucifer and the world controllers. They will miss lift-off One! To choose to stay on Planet Earth means to choose to endure the tribulation of great earth changes as the Earth cleanses herself of mans toxins and poisons and radiation, and wars, and fear and death, and Mother Earth rejects all of the dark and negative thought processes, and consequences of mans wicked past actions. The super volcanoes and others are already rumbling angrily. You are not being informed of this. The situation is extremely volatile and alarming. No human being will be able to survive what is coming upon the Earth, when the atmosphere becomes volcanized and unbreathable, when the sky is black and putrid with acid smoke, and the world becomes instantly unihabitable, and the Earths crust splits up and breaks apart, the sea levels rise, when whole continents move, islands disappear, and mountains fall, and new mountains suddenly appear, where mountains were not there before, when cities tremble and crumble, and the skyscrapers fall down, and when the equator moves to its new place. The equator has been altering position for some time now, waiting for the inevitable and unpreventable earth tilt. Some will call this magnetic pole shift, yet the enlightened will call the event our Ascension. Mother Earth has cleansed herself many times, through the aeons and ages past, and has cast off dark energies, and fallen civilizations, and this earth shattering event about to transpire is nothing new, it happens every 26,000 unfolding years, and this one is long overdue, only this time, a world of people will ascend with her, and she will never turn over in her bed again. All adversaries will be overcome, and the chaos will be stilled. The future is Golden. But for now, our star brothers and sisters are waiting for the order to evacuate this world., when the soon time speedily comes. It is the choice of each individual whether or not they go, or if they stay behind to face their own chosen fate, and what is to come. This is an unstoppable motion. The wheel is rapidly turning. The wheel WILL TURN FULL MOTION ! When she goes, nothing can stop her from turning, well, like a wheel. The governments know this, but they are not telling you, of course. Scientists understand the dire predicament perfectly. They are under a death sentence to speak about it, but It is now only a question of When ? You are not being told of the many hundreds of earthquakes which are occurring on a daily basis, in ever increasing numbers and intensity of magnitude. Earthquake data and records are being manipulated. This information is being suppressed from you. Beneath the oceans, the tectonic plates are splitting apart. Beneath your feet, the Earth is breaking up, and you are not being told. There are earthquakes occurring in the world in multitudes of places where historically there have never been earthquakes before, like in the middle of Australia. Other world hotspots are the entire length of the west coast of the USA, the Madrid fault line, alias The Sleeping Giant, under both the Pacific and Indian oceans, and Europe is on the move too. You are being kept well in the dark. Of course ! Sananda (Jesus) told his disciples that he would return at the end of the age. We are now at that point. This is the end of our 3rd dimensional civilization. It is the end of this present time 3rd dimensional geneology. It is time to close uo the history books, the world, as we know it to be, is about to end. Planet Earth has already entered her new cycle as of August 17, 1987, and is moving into fifth dimension. It is the end of 3rd dimensional civilization upon this planet. The end of the ’old ways’ has finally come, and now is the time for the birthing of the new. As a living being, our Earth has now earned the right to cleanse herself of all pollution, evil thought processes, and all dark negative energies, and to move into celestial fifth dimension. The abominable legacy of Lucifer will be defeated, and all evil will be removed from Planet Earth forever. After her cycle of rebirth, only enlightened celestial humans will be allowed to live again on Planet Earth. Therefore, everyone of third dimension must soon leave this Earth. Earth changes, global reconstruction, and planetary cleansing, will soon come. The enlightened ones will go on to fourth, fifth, and higher dimensions in the Lighted Realms (Heaven). Many unprepared, unevolved, and unwilling people will rehabilitated to other third dimension planets and continue their pathway of soul perfection on the wheel of reincarnations. Some will go to the Void, the astral plane, Hell if you prefer, where all rebellious dark energies and thought forms end up. There they will still have a free-will to choose their destiny. The ultimate question, of course is, where will YOU go? There is no room for doubt, error, or complacency. This is a very serious state of affairs for planet Earth and her inhabitants. It is time for the sleepers to quickly awaken, and for the ostriches to get their buried heads out of the sand. In summary, then, the first task before you is to allow your God-Spirit within to determine for you what is Truth. Next, you must understand The Laws of God and Creation, and forgive yourself, and others, for your and their errors. You must then ask your God-Spirit to forgive you as well. You must then live The Laws of God and Creation in all of your daily experience as you await the glorious time when you will be physically transported through beams of Light to a starship. There you will meet Sananda (Jesus), the Ascended Masters, and all our space brothers and sisters---and those other enlightened ones who have come from Planet Earth. In joyous celebration we will leave the memory of Lucifer, and all his evil spirits, to be swept into the Void, as we soar through the cosmos of the Lighted Realms to our next assignments. Herein I have presented you Truth. Now you must choose! There will be derision and scoffers of course, but the sniggering and gnawfing will instantly silence, when Mother Earth fires a warning shot across the bows, and the starships of the Space Federation fill the skies. Then the laughing will stop. This is a wake up call. Fearmongering it is not. Truthmongering it is. A reality check it is. Its your own free will. The channelers, and others, will hold back from speaking of these things, and turn away from the obligatory responsibility and spiritual duty. I will not. Sometimes things just need to be said. May all your choices be made with wisdom, and may you in Truth find your pathway of Light back to the stars. Two precepts stand for all time. They are: TRUTH IS----and GOD WINS ! End of story .... God bless and keep you all.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:18:37 +0000

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