BEAN CAME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he is asleep in his cage, in - TopicsExpress


BEAN CAME HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he is asleep in his cage, in the tent. Anyone wanna hear the story? :D I went out to feed the cats. As Betsy Murphy can attest, I call them with a very loud MEOW. So I meowed on the way to the tent, as usual. Only this time I stopped, to see if I could see or hear anything. I *thought* I heard a distant meow. I called out Beanies name, in the babytalk way I talk to them, and then bellowed my dinner meow again. This time I DEFINITELY heard a meow! He made his way down to the wall! He sort of ran/paced along the wall - I wasnt sure what to do with the food. I figured - no way hes coming back to the tent. I put the food in the feeding station at the top of the wall, the one youve seen in the pictures. He went the other way. I took the food out, and put it on the wall across from the tent. He jumped down from the wall, hahahaha. So I thought ... lets see. I put a bowl of canned food just inside the tent door. And I stood back a good distance. Bean watched me, but he made his way over to the tent! And he went in to eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started to tiptoe over - and Gary opened the window to shout something at me. Bean was out of there like a shot. Internally, I was cursing up a storm, LOL. I chatted with Gary and figured - thats it, Beans gone. I went into the tent, zipped it up, and started the normal routine. The normal routine is open the cages of Baloo, Smokey and Khol - often Froggie, but Gary is very not well, so I didnt want the potential hassle of getting her back in her cage. Then I set out the empty dishes: This is for Baloo, this is for Smokey, etc. I talk to them in baby talk, telling them what Im doing, why, etc. And I HEARD SCRATCHING AT THE DOOR. Bean was trying to get IN! **********THUD************ Obviously I threw Baloo and Khol back in their cages (Smokey hadnt left his, LOL). I unzipped the door completely, opened it as wide as it would go, and used the tie to keep it open. I called him, and put his food in his cage, and stepped away. He came over to the door - and laid down! He was half-in, half-out of the tent. It was the strangest thing! He looked so damn relaxed! I walked slowly over to his cage, stuck my hand through the bars, and held up his dish and meowed (but not in a big bellow, LOL). He got up, and walked over to Treebies cage, and rubbed Treebie through the bars. Smokey had come out of his box - Bean then walked over to Smokeys cage, and rubbed all over it - Smoke was bonking/rubbing him back. He kind of walked around the tent a little, checking things out, and went back to Treebies cage. I kept trying to draw his attention to the food in his cage (remembering the the freaked out flying cat when the vet was here and he got out of his cage.... O_o ), talking to him, and telling him - as I have been a bazillion times a day, WHAT a good boy he is! And he walked over to the cage door entrance, looked at me, and stepped into his litter box (all the boxes are at the front of the cages). And he laid down in it and started rolling around! (Id cleaned it). He looked sooooo happy! He righted himself, looked at me, and jumped up on top of his box. I closed the cage door, and that was that. I went out about two hours later, as I usually do - just to listen. I dont open the tent or go in. And he almost always starts meowing and crying when he hears Im outside. Tonight? Not a peep. I suspect that boy is having his first deep sleep in a long, long time.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 03:29:29 +0000

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