BEAN SOUP RECIPE (Mother Tynetta Muhammad’s) 2 cups of navy - TopicsExpress


BEAN SOUP RECIPE (Mother Tynetta Muhammad’s) 2 cups of navy beans Dash of black pepper and salt 2 medium onions 2 teaspoons of paprika 1 green pepper (bell pepper) 1/3 cup of Corn Oil 3 stalks of celery ½ can of tomato paste 1 or 2 garlic cloves 1 teaspoon of Tumeric Soak beans overnight. Wash beans and put in pop and chop vegetables. Add all vegetables and seasonings. Add enough water to cover beans well. Cook on moderate flame until beans will mash easily to the touch. Add more boiling water if needed. When beans are well done, strain through a Foley Food Strainer or eat them whole, and serve with toast and cheese. If soup is too thick, add a little more boiling water. HEALTH BENEFITS OF NAVY BEANS Eat that food that Allah (God) has prescribed for us. Allah (God) says that the little navy bean will make you live, just eat them. He (Allah) said that a diet of navy beans would give us a life span of 140 years. No beans did He advise, except the small navy bean – the small size and not the larger size – the little brown pink ones and the white ones. This bean He valued to be very high in protein, fats and starches, and it is a safe food for prolonging life. As you will find, most of the Muslims like their bean soup. These beans are dry beans. He (Allah) said that He could take one of our babies and start him off eating the dry small navy bean soup, and make that child live 240 years. He described no other bean. This dry bean, or pulse, is of ancient origin. It was this bean, according to certain historians, that Daniel preferred for himself and his followers in the prison of Nebuchadnezzar. • Navy beans are full of dietary fiber that not only helps prevent constipation, but also helps keeps digestive disorders, like irritable bowel syndrome, at bay. • Being a rich source of dietary fiber, folate and magnesium, navy beans have been found to reduce the risk factor for heart attack, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease. • Navy beans are full of complex carbohydrates that, rather than leading to any sort of weight gain, provide the brain and muscles with a good and stable supply of energy. • If you are suffering from the problem of insulin resistance, hypoglycemia or diabetes, navy beans would prove highly beneficial for you. They help balance blood sugar levels in the body, while providing steady, slow-burning energy. • Navy beans prove to be a good source of iron, while being low in calories and almost fat-free. This is the reason why they are recommended for menstruating women, pregnant or lactating women as well as children who are in the growing-up stage. • There is high thiamin (vitamin B1) content in navy beans. The nutrient is involved in the important neurotransmitter essential for memory, a lack of which can lead to age-related impairment in mental function (senility) and Alzheimers disease. • The dietary fiber in navy beans attaches itself to the bile acids in the intestines, used in the synthesis of cholesterol. When excreted by the body, the fiber takes the bile acids along with it, thus helping lower the blood cholesterol levels. • The magnesium present in navy beans, by serving as a calcium channel blocker, helps ease fatigue and unwind tired muscles, nerves and blood vessels, in turn alleviating the symptoms related to asthma, migraine headaches, tension and soreness in muscles. • Being one of the best sources of copper, navy beans help reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis. At the same time, they promote the activity of enzymes needed to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, ligaments and joints. • Navy beans are rich in a number of nutrients that take part in the detoxification of the body. By aiding detoxification, they help reduce the risk of various inflammatory, degenerative and cardiovascular diseases, in turn promoting overall health of a person.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 03:48:42 +0000

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