BEAT THE LIAR! Weve got him. J.D. Winteregg is the man who - TopicsExpress


BEAT THE LIAR! Weve got him. J.D. Winteregg is the man who will remove John Boehner. BUT Boehner wants to keep his job as Obamas inside man, and hes proven -- he will fight tooth-and-nail to pull it off. Right now, I need you to make your most generous donation of $25, $100 or more through this SPECIAL CONDUIT LINK. Your donation -- 100% of it -- will go directly to J.D.s campaign. This is a special initiative, and is the quickest way to put money into J.D. Wintereggs massive fight against John Boehner. Since the REMOVE Boehner campaign launched in January, weve: 1. Reached over 200,000 signatures on the REMOVE Boehner petition; 2. Become a top story on FOX, CNN, and major media outlets across the country; 3. Aired over 300 targeted radio ads; 4. Placed billboards all over Boehners home district; AND 5. Endorsed JD Winteregg as the Tea Party Hero who can defeat Boehner. BUT we are not even close to finished yet...the liberal Speaker John Boehner is weak and on the ropes, but hes still limping along. Boehners already announced his bid to keep the speakership, and Im sure hes ready to fight for it. I need every person who reads this email to give at least $25. With youre support, we will have more than $100,000 in J.D.s hands before Boehner knows what hit him. Please, follow this SPECIAL LINK and donate $25 or more. Again, 100% of your donation will go directly to J.D. Winteregg. J.D.s first campaign finance deadline is only 27 days away. If he doesnt raise at least $100,000, he faces being forced out of the race by Boehners 2.8 million dollar campaign war-chest. Through this SPECIAL CONDUIT LINK there will be no credit card fees or middle-men, every last cent goes straight to J.D.s campaign. Your donation of $25 right now will not go to any fundraising fees or credit card processing costs -- it is worth more than if you gave him a $25 direct donation. And in case you missed them, these are just a few of the reasons J.D.s bid to REMOVE Boehner must succeed. If we had a Republican Speaker of the House who held Obama accountable: - We could have repealed and defunded Obamacare, - We could have said no to the massive debt increase in the latest tax-and-spend liberal budget, - We could have protected disabled veterans pensions AND CUT CONGRESSS INSTEAD; and - We wouldnt be on the verge of a massive new Amnesty bill. Boehner is Obamas inside man, and he must be REMOVED. Since the beginning these truths have been at the core of the tea party mission: 1. We are dedicated to recruiting Americans who share the Founding Fathers vision of America as a beacon of liberty and hope throughout the world. 2. We are a grassroots movements bringing ordinary citizens together to advance fundamentally American values. 3. We are not a political party and are not beholden to any party or politician. 4. AND most importantly, We seek to reform the entire political environment from the bottom up and return political power to where it was always intended: the American people. Friends, neighbors, and countrymen...NOW is the time to rally and Remove Boehner, and the Tea Party Leadership Funds endorsement of J.D. Winteregg is another step to making the restoration of our freedoms a reality. Please, , I need you to make your most generous donation of $25, $100 or what you can all counts and 100% of it goes directly to J.D.s campaign! I know J.D. Winteregg has what it takes to win. I know with your support behind him, he cannot loose. BUT he has to know that you are behind him...I cannot push harder. If every person who reads this email gives $25 or more; we will have more than $100,000 in J.D.s hands before midnight. Please, make this fight count. For Freedom, Rusty Humphries Primary Boehner Chairman P.S. If youve read this far, I know youre with us, but if you still havent given, I really need your immediate support for J.D. -- even if you have never given, now is the moment its most needed. Follow this SPECIAL LINK and donate $25 or more.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 20:53:25 +0000

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