BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY ... Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , - TopicsExpress


BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY ... Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , taught that the power of men rises when he cultural appeals to women ( his wife, a mother , a sister , a daughter and others ) . Some men often rude, thinking that because they demonstrate their masculinity. Uallahi not. The Messenger of Allah said , meaning : The best of you - those who are the best way relates to their wives , and I am the best to their wives . Noble and generous person who treats women with dignity , mean and low one who humiliates them. There was no one more courageous , brave, dignified than the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , and he appealed to women with kindness. HOW loved his wives of the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him How many can hold a human heart and soul out of a sense of exaltation , respect , reverence and love ? In this article we will discuss some aspects of the life of Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , and those who were in his life and whom he loved. These examples are for those who want to know what can be and should be love between a man and a woman. Khadija daughter Huuaylid ibn Asad ibn Abd al- Uzza ibn Qusay . A woman from the tribe of Quraish , kind of Assad . This is the first woman, who was married to the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , and she was the first woman who embraced Islam from the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him . About this there is unanimity of Muslim scholars . And she was the most honorable and the richest woman of the time. It hired men for their money , so they worked , multiply its wealth. And when it came to the news of the Prophet Muhammad long before getting them Prophecy, when she talked about how he is truthful , honest, true to his word , how beautiful his culture and his great manners, she sent a man to the Prophet , to offer him to take its commercial property - goods and travel trade in Sham ( a territory of modern-day Syria , Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine ) . And it is on these conditions that will pay them better than anyone else of traders and merchants . Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , accepted her offer . He traded her merchandise, increase it and got a huge profit . He returned from Sham and has brought many goods and succeeded. Khadija was a sensible woman , insightful , honorable , dignified and strong - such that Allah favored and bestowed a special honor. She sent a mediator to the Prophet and invited him to marry her . Yes, she suggested to him that he married her. Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , told this to his uncles . And then with him in the house Huuaylida ibn Asad went one of his uncle Hamza ibn Abd al- Muttalib . And then Hamza woo Khadija for the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him . Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , married Khadija , and then He was twenty- five years. And while she was forty years old . Before her marriage to the Prophet , she was married twice. And she gave birth to the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , six children - two boys and four girls , all but Ibrahima , which gave birth to the Prophet , peace be upon him , Maria kybtyyya after it adopted Islam. From the special, which was given to Khadija , is that Khadija - this is the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , to which he did not get married on any woman or girl. And also the fact that while she was alive , the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , married another woman , that is, with it did not take a second wife . When she died he became very sad . She was to remain calm and composure , wise , sensible , shrewd , prudent and judicious . She was the first to believe in him , supported the Prophet in an important moment for him when he received his first revelation in the cave of Hira . She was surrounded by his constant care and attention. She said to him , which means : Never, I swear to Allah ! Forever and ever, Allah will not let you disgrace and shame ! Surely you maintain ties of kinship , speak only the truth , to bear a lot of fatigue, you share sustenance with the poor , and treats guests happy about , and you helping the truth prevail ! She supported him all his life, until his death remained a faithful companion and decent support. And this great support Prophet Muhammad valued very highly ... He always thought of her and spoke gentle, kind words ... He even after her death spoke longingly about how caring and shares his excitement was Khadija . And after the death of his first wife Khadijah , the Prophet married other wives , he reminisced about Khadija , he had a deep sense of respect and love for her when he talked about Khadijah always spoke only warm words , the Prophet praised and heave it . Of signs indicating that the Prophet glorified his first wife Khadija , that he married several times, always remembered her warmest words and forgot about it. He talked about her wonderful qualities , how she maintained good relations with relatives and neighbors . He spoke of her as if she was near him . How about the best of family life in the relationship between these great spouses. Ms. Aisha , let it be her more mercy of Allah , told me: I am not treated with such a deep sense of respect and jealousy to none of the wives of the Prophet , as Khadija . I never saw her , but the Prophet often spoke of it. And, perhaps, he cut sheep shared the meat and gave alms to it was a boon for Khadijah . How solemn, joyful and with extreme kindness shone the face of our Prophet , expressing deep appreciation when after the death of Khadija came to visit her friend . And every time I saw them, he remembered her and talked about her kind words. And then covered his sadness and longing , indicating just how great was his respect for her , how he valued her and how warm and touching human relationship was between the Prophet and his first wife ! Imam Al - Bukhari , Muslim and others narrated from Aisha , let him be her more mercy of Allah that one day their house asked permission to enter halya bandage Huuaylid - sister Khadija , to talk with the Prophet , peace be upon him , and the Prophet , peace he learned of her voice , which was very similar to the voice Khadija . He remembered Khadija and started from . He changed the face and started, and became an enthusiastic and joyful. And he said , which means : O Lord, Its halya . Khadija , so be it even more mercy of Allah , care and assisted her husband - Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , the best way with all diligence and attention. She was kind and compassionate , helping , investing and spending their money to good use . And , despite the fact that they lived together for a long time , she was not nervous , did not argue , do not grumble , not to complain , not resented . She never raised his voice and did not do anything that could bring anxiety or resentment. No word or deed it does not hurt him . She believed in him, and confirmed his conviction and confidence in his appeal . She supported him for a lifetime. She raised his children , she showed great patience because of the evil that caused the unbelievers of his tribesmen. And the Prophet , peace be upon him , treated her with grace , good and even after her death constantly remembered her and asked for her forgiveness , spoke well of her, and praised her . How deep the feelings of the Prophet, peace be upon him , to his first wife ... How it was precious and dear to him ... How he appreciated it and how warm and touching relationship was between the Prophet and his first wife ... And Aisha - the daughter of Abu Bakr Al- Siddiqov third youngest and favorite wife of the Messenger of Allah heart after the death of Khadijah . She took a special place in the life of the Prophet . This amazing woman ... That he loved the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him ... Think the best of created loved this woman ... the one that Allah has given precedence over all the Prophets , making it the Messenger of all worlds ( men and jinn ) that ... that is the Seal of Prophecy (after him will not be a new prophet ) . The Prophet did not marry for the sake of pleasure. Allah allowed him to have more than four wives at a time, but it is forbidden for His followers. Wisdom is the permission that would be wives of the Prophet , peace be upon him , spread sharia among women. Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , was not tied to the heart of women . Proof of this is that despite the fact that Aisha was the youngest wife, when she came all Aisha , he often left her and went to the cemetery at night Al- Baki , located in Medina , and asked Allah for mercy for the dead and for a long time was there. He loved Aisha . Aisha had the honor to be very beautiful and intelligent . She took a special place in the heart of the Prophet, peace be upon him . And despite the fact that Aisha was very young , she took a special position in society. Aisha had its place on the first day , as entered into the house of the Prophet. She left her mark in the life of Islam , and its position was really high . Aisha received knowledge from the best of all knowledgeable - the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him , who knew about her abilities and competence , which allowed it to become more knowledgeable than many men of his time. The Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , said about Aisha : Take part of your religion from Humeyra ( red-cheeked ) . Aisha was famous in the transmission of Hadith , she was aware of the rules of legislation , true that transfers from the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him . Aisha was the favorite wife of the Prophet Muhammad , after the death of Khadijah . He always told her : O Aisha , if you want to always be with me, then take from this life only what you enough as a reserve traveler , in any case, do not sit at the meetings of the rich and do not wear new clothes until wear old . Aisha said that the Prophet helped her to do housework , and He - none other than the Prophet and Messenger - best of all creatures. Despite the fact that the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , was a leader of the prophetic mission fulfilled , he found time for loved ones ... He was a gentle , kind and considerate . He once made a competition with Aisha and she was ahead of him, and the next time , after some time , when she got stronger , he beat her and jokingly recalled her: And that you for the last time . It is reported that Aisha , yes Allah be pleased with her , said: One day, when the Ethiopians were playing near the mosque , I noticed that the Messenger of Allah stands at the door of my room , covering me with his cloak so that I could also look at their game. Able if one of us to be so attentive to their wives ? These questions can be continued. Let them hear those who believe in Islam woman no rights . The Messenger of Allah was kind to women , and the same bequeathed us. Once the Prophet , peace be upon him , turned to the men calling , meaning always done well with women . After all, truly a woman created from a rib , and the greatest curvature differs its upper part , and if you try to straighten the edge, then you will break it, and if you leave it alone , it will remain crooked - and therefore have always done well with women ! ( narrated this Hadith Al- Bukhari ) . If you look closely at the text of the Hadith , will notice that the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him , begins with the words: Women have always done well ... . And after her personality characteristics he completes it the same words again and says: ... and so have always done well with women . Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , taught that the power of men rises when he cultural appeals to women ( his wife, a mother , a sister , a daughter and others ) . Some men often rude, thinking that because they demonstrate their masculinity. Uallahi not. The Messenger of Allah said , meaning : The best of you - those who are the best way relates to their wives , and I am the best to their wives . Noble and generous person who treats women with dignity , mean and low one who humiliates them. There was no one more courageous , brave, dignified than the Prophet Muhammad , peace be upon him , and he appealed to women with kindness.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 19:17:19 +0000

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