BEAUTY Every so often I will come across a popular song that - TopicsExpress


BEAUTY Every so often I will come across a popular song that speaks to me on a spiritual level. Sometimes Ill share them, other time I wont. This one came to mind yesterday, and heres why. Yesterday morning I was getting ready to meet a friend for some shopping and girl time. My hair was giving me fits; I kept messing up my eyeliner and poking myself in the eye with the mascara wand, and I noticed that 2 zits had popped up overnight on my chin. (Zits at almost 40? REALLY?!?!? ) I felt fat in my jeans, and there were a few small pulls in the shirt I was wearing.I was getting very irritated at it all and the song below came on. Thats when God spoke to me. He said, I made you, and I think you are beautiful. It doesnt matter what your make-up looks like or if your outfit is perfect, I think you are BEAUTIFUL! So, I decided not to change into another outfit, took a brush through my hair, slapped on a headband, decided against the mascara and headed out the door. God thinks I am beautiful, so who cares what other people think! I know there are many people- young, old, male, female - of all ethnicities who struggle with accepting how they look. God wants you to know He thinks you are beautiful (or handsome as the case may be). He created you. He loves you, and to Him you are the most beautiful creature on earth. Why? Because you are His! Then, I came across this verse today in bible study: Do not let your adorning be (just) external —the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in Gods sight is very precious. Peter 3:3-4 Thus, I decided to share the video below. Feeling Beaitiful! ~Leah P.S. Im sorry if it is preceeded by an advertisemet. Sometimes that happens with YouTube. :(
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 14:50:43 +0000

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