BECAUSE OF FEAR. Intro; Many people cannot see the glory of God, - TopicsExpress


BECAUSE OF FEAR. Intro; Many people cannot see the glory of God, neither can they see progress in their lives because of fear. What they see is trembling or distress in their lives but they confess to be Christians. Job was a true godly man who was holy and upright before God, but with all his wealth he feared temptation therefore he said, ‘For the thing which I greatly fear comes upon me, and that of which I am afraid befalls me’ - Job 3; 25. Beloved, what you fear will come upon you. Jesus came to deliver us who through fear of death were held in bondage - Heb 2; 14-15. Those who believe in Him, He gives not the Spirit of fear but the Spirit of power that we shall not fear any longer - 2Tim 1; 7. The Bible says in Rom 8; 15 that, ‘For you have not received the Spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father, and the Spirit bears witness with our Spirit, that we are the children of God. David said this when he fled from his son Absalom that, ‘he will not be afraid of ten thousands of people that have set themselves against him’ - Ps 3; 6. Beloved, what fear can do is that - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. You can’t say the truth but will make you lie or keep quiet 2. God cannot walk with you and cannot work through you - Judg 7; 3 3. Your heart will fail and you be dismayed - 1Sam 17; 11, 32 4. You will always run away from your enemies Therefore beloved, Pro 3; 25 says, ‘Be not afraid of sudden terror and panic, neither of the desolation of the wicked when it comes’. By Pastor Joseph Mensah [Grace Bible Revival Church, Ghana] For questions call Tel: +233244750103 or https://facebook/joseph.mensah.1293 Dont forget to share His word. Amen
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:14:15 +0000

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