BECAUSE OF THE INTENSE PERSECUTION AND ACCUSATIONS FROM THE PAST WHERE PEOPLE HAVE SAID UNLOVELY THINGS ABOUT MY TEACHINGS BY HOLY SPIRIT I WANTED TO GO AHEAD AND GIVE YOU ALL THIS WARNING SO EVERYONE IS WITHOUT EXCUSE FROM THIS POINT FORWARD: TO RELEASE ME FROM ALL LIABILITY AND FURTHER PENDING ALLEGATIONS OF PUTTING MANY OF YOU AT RISK I ASK YOU TO READ THIS AND ONCE YOU HAVE YOU CAN ACKNOWLEDGE IN COMMENTS: I ______________ (your name) release Robin Kirby-Gatto from all risks and liabilities that result in me knowing the TRUTH, the WORD OF GOD, JESUS that leads to my freedom from all bondage. In regard to reading any of her posts as well as teachings I acknowledge that I knowingly put myself at risk of learning the Truth of God, by His Word, and if devils are cast out, I will not hold her accountable. I acknowledge that I take the risks of my marriage getting better, my children coming to the Lord and reaching the lost as led by Gods Holy Spirit. I acknowledge and hereby release Robin for any occurrences that my result from me reading her post that lead but are not exclusive to, me walking into the Call of Christ Jesus, drawing closer to God, learning more about Gods Holy Spirit and becoming so lovesick that I cannot contain it anymore but shout it to the world as a peculiar person. I acknowledge further risks I am taking as I read her posts of desiring to equip the saints of Christ Jesus and praying with such hunger that will open up the heavens, setting the oppressed free, healing the sick, opening blind eyes and deaf ears, as well as raising the dead. I release Robin from any risks I take at knowing the truth of God that cause me to be a stump, where I am no longer living but only Christ Jesus Living in me!! Finally, I release all consequences that might result from me reading her posts and having increased spiritual warfare to make me stronger (for I am not a wimp), and the trials and tribulations that come to make my character more like Jesus. In acknowledging all of this I too release her of said results of persecution I might experience because I am radically lovesick for Jesus! signed:_____________________________ GOD BLESS YOU! ROBIN OH ONE LAST THING FOR THE ONES WHO NEED MASSIVE DELIVERANCE!! LOL I RELEASE ROBIN OF ALL CONSEQUENCES OF RISKS I TAKE IN THE POSSIBILITY SHOULD I BE FILLED WITH SUCH EXCITEMENT AND WANT TO WRITE IN CAPS AND THE MANY UGLY PERSECUTIONS THAT COME FROM BEING EXCITED IN THE LORD BY GODS HOLY SPIRIT FROM THE RELIGIOUS SPIRITS THAT MANIFEST WHEN I DO SUCH AN ACT. :) LOVE YOU! ROBIN
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:01:30 +0000

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