BECOMING A CREATIVE THINKER... Men and brethren, we are reminded - TopicsExpress


BECOMING A CREATIVE THINKER... Men and brethren, we are reminded most times by our enemies and our environments that we are kind of hopeless. We are reminded by our yesterday’s failure that today and tomorrow is not achievable. The irony about life is that men take delight in outlining why we cannot be a good citizen, why we cannot have that job, why we cannot be a good leader, why our country cannot prosper. Sometimes we find ourselves in hopeless situations and hopeless moments that defy prayers but it is important in all this conditions to endeavour to start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible because doing the impossible begins with the mind. It begins with acknowledging the power of creative thinking. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.” Prov 23:7. It is lack of creative thinking that brings creative confusion. Therefore the danger of tomorrow is familiarity with today and inability to stretch your thinking above your comfort zone. “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things [are] possible to him that believeth.” Mark 9:23, Luke 1:37, Luke 18:27. Our generation have allowed today to become the yesterday we shall regret tomorrow. Jesus could not do many miracles in his village because of familiarity because Familiarity is fatal to your faith Mark 6:5, Mathew 13:58, Matthew 17:20. Let me state that if you live for the approval of others, you will die with their rejection. Destinies are cut short because men wants approval from man before becoming creative, before running and developing a creative idea. But if we chase perfection we can catch excellence and no man is qualified to possess what he did not pursue. It is therefore time to combine your creative thinking to creative praying and creative doing. There is a potential ingredient that creativity commands. A man of creativity can control his circumstances because circumstances shall obey his destiny. It’s amazing that people under the same government as others; people who attend the same fellowship with others but will struggle through life – while others will rise up and do amazingly well and others will not. For example, no child of God has financial problem, what he has is idea problem; because no problem can withstand the sustain assault of a creative thinker. You don’t need money to create money. What you need is wisdom, knowledge, favour and opportunity. In the parable of the talents, the servants were given opportunity to prosper with an instruction from the master “Occupy till I come.” and the wise servants multiplied. Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-28. The word Occupy means to fill up, to dwell or reside in, to hold or fill , to seize possession of and maintain control over by or as if by conquest and to engage or employ the attention or concentration of a vision or a dream. Let me repeat again that there is no problem that can withstand the sustained assault of a creative thinker Thinking is a choice. Life is a kingdom of choices and not chances. The moment your thinking is polluted by environmental factors, your sustenance in life is suspended. Our generation’s problem is that we are short term thinkers; we are men and women who are scared to take charge of our commitments and responsibilities. Nothing Great in the world has ever been accomplished without creative passion and creative thinking. Successful people win because they love what they do. All of them have a very strong desire to succeed. They have passion for their field, their business. Passion is the single fastest way to spur yourself to massive success. It is something you love. Something you’re excited about. Something you get up early to work on or to stay up late. The fertilizer and nutrients that allow creative thinking to grow is creative criticism. If you love what you do, you release your diving creativity and you become unstoppable and unmolestable. Continuous creative activity and the joy of achievement is a great source of happiness. The moment we stop thinking, we stop moving and there is nothing as expensive as Ignorance. When you ask your problem to sit down, you will be in a better position to think, pray and receive wisdom to tackle it John 6:10. “And Jesus said, ‘Make the men sit down’. Tell your problems to sit down so that you can have creative discussion, have an idea discussion. Tell your problem to sit down and join you in a musical discussion with the director of your destiny, because praise is one dish God cannot refuse nor resist. Many of us have created a monster out of our marriage, there is no new creation. In your home, your creation is tested on how you arrange your furniture, how you rearrange your wardrobes, how you do things differently. Men and brethren your situation may be good but it can also be better by creative thinking. MORNING CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH...
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 07:29:14 +0000

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