BEEN THE PRESS STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE LEADERSHIP OF NANS/JCC OGUN STATE AXIS IN RESPONSE TO THE CLOSURE OF OLABISI ONABANJO UNIVERSITY (OOU) BY OGUN STATE GOVERNMENT. Protocol. OOU closure: The leadership of NANS/JCC OGUN STATE disapprove the decision of the state government to close down one of our state own institution, the premier university in Ogun state . We describe this action by the state government as provision of a temporary and wrong solution to a permanent problem. Aside from the fact that it is the right of citizen of the country to peacefully protest to show their grievances and displeasure about issues affecting them ,it also have a lot of disadvantages which is detrimental to the future and educational career of students and not forgetting the fact that it Was unnecessary elongation and interruption in academic calendar of Nigeria Education institutions due to the ASUU strike for about 6 months that led to the present crisis in school fees reduction in Ogun state. It is on this note that we the leadership of National Association of Nigerian Students in collaboration with all STUDENT UNION President in Ogun state in the spirit of solidarity hereby compassionately appeal to State government under the leadership of His Excellency Senator Ibikunke Amosun to positively reconsider its decision on the closure of Olabisi Onabanjo University ,OOU , to safe the future and career of innocent OOUITES. TO OOU STUDENTS UNION: To our colleagues in OOU ,through the Student union Government, truly, freedom cometh by struggle but at the same time, we should also consider the implications of our decisions and its negative effect on the students especially those that will be preparing to go for NYSC who are expected to be mobilized soon and the generality of OOUITES who have been praying for uninterrupted academic calendar ,havent experienced 6 month ASUU strike and its implications on the academic calendar of OOU. We hereby call on OOU student Union through the union president Com. Ifade Segun to give room for positive negotiation as this issue can only be resolve through dialogue and not violence as two wrong cannot make a right and unrest cannot be the solution to the problem at hand . POLITIZATION OF STUDENT STRUCTURE: Haven stated our position and appeal to the government,we also want to sound as note of warning to any individual, group of people, politicians ,political parties who found joy in politicizing the students struggle, using the student struggle to gain political points .We the leadership of NANS/JCC in Ogun state hereby warn such person or group of people to deceit from such act as the future of our students is at stake. Long Live OOU! Long Live NANS Ogun State! Long Live Ogun State! Viva!!! Signed : Ogunsola Okikiola M. NANS/JCC Chairman Ogun State.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 12:00:56 +0000

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