BEFORE WE CAST OUR BALLOTS........Nigeria, my countrys general - TopicsExpress


BEFORE WE CAST OUR BALLOTS........Nigeria, my countrys general election is fast approaching. The political gladiators are now seriously fighting for political tickets either to return to their seat or freshly seeking for mandate of Nigerian people to either maintain the STATUS QUO or make a landmark changes in the life of our people. When I say status quo, we already know what I mean ; getting the mandate and run away from their constituencies by this I mean constituency alienation, amassing wealth at the expense of doing constituency projects forgetting premises made to us only to resurface after the expiration of their tenure. corrupt practices is another political status quo . It is a common knowledge that an average politician will solo. become rich once he is mandated as the case with some of our brothers and friends. Now we know better and know what we want. We want truthfulness, fulfilment of electoral promises. We dont care who, what party you represent, the tribe you belong to, the religion you profess or confess whether christian, Muslim or Babalawo. All we want is GOOD GOVERNANCE. We are ready to vote whoever promise us the following. -Elimination of corrupt practices. - Increase in standard of education vis-à-vis stopping your wards from studying abroad and join their counterparts in our moribund institutions. - Improvement In health care system that will meet the global standard.- Supporting an harmonious intertribal, religious coexistence amongst Nigerians as we hitherto enjoyed. -Employment Opportunities, Diversification of our economy form the present Mono economy to what it use to be in 60s. -You will do well get our support if you can tell us in plain language how you intend to solve our security problems. as the primary aim of any leader is the protection of life and properties. -We also want to know what you will say concerning true policing and upholding rule of law. - We need effective labour law that we uplift us from the presently disguised working slavery and apparent casualization of workers in Nigeria working for so many years without employee confirmation. - What will be your take on living wage for Nigerian workers as a living wage suffice and not bag of rice and stove to cook rice. we can afford this when we are paid well and take care of our parents In the village. - Our image in the in the international world is also worth taking you on, what will your international relation policy be? We demand to be a worthy visitor to any country of the world. - We are sport loving country, will you make us proud again as giant of Africa in sporting events. - Cheap, clean energy and power supply at all time we demand couple with functional refineries. How many megawatts of power will you add to national grid? How do you intend to refine our oil locally and make us enjoy our God given natural resources? Tell us we want to hear. - Before we cast our vote for you, you must equivocally give us your word and we shall hold you accountable by that. Note: Dear politicians we are wise now. stomach infrastructure and stove distribution may not do it. if you give us we will collect it and still vote our conscience. We therefore await you to convince us and make your pronouncements o. this by giving US a blueprint as our pact with you as a reference OK t when we need to hold you accountable to your words. We are ready to break this shackle of oppression, depression and conscience enslavement. We await you to talk to us and act as you approach us for electioneering campaign....if you say the truth we know as we can tell a ripe corn by its look. Yours sincerely A Nigerian and Proud African son
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 00:32:20 +0000

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