BEFORE WE LOST KWANKWANSO IN ASO ROCK. By Ali Umar Faragai - TopicsExpress


BEFORE WE LOST KWANKWANSO IN ASO ROCK. By Ali Umar Faragai ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Surround yourself with good people. People who are going to be honest with you and look out for your best interests. Derek Jeter. We all have values, but we don’t talk about them. Progressive people in particular, are often more inclined to talk about policy and programs than their personal stories and the values that motivate them. They are characterized by creativity, equality, diversity, and a strong sense of mutual interdependence. It is this mutuality more than any other concept that differentiates them from conservative. They believe that individuals must be responsible, not only for themselves but the whole Society. This pair of values is rooted in their commitment to reason, transparency, truth and fairness. Truth includes not only facts but also more generally a stance of honesty and integrity, accountability in government. Their version of truth places a distinct emphasis on telling citizens what they need to hear rather than what they want to hear. To a great degree, Nigerians are in higher search for whom to trust, whom to believe, based on feelings of similarity or kinship – and also on integral characterized values. A person who displays love, peace, kindness, goodness, humility, patience and who is faithful and endures all things. We need someone who displays self control and considers others more important than self. someone who has good leadership abilities, a good listener who displays integrity, dignity and accountability toward self and toward others. The one who is not judgemental and holds no score of records against others but walks in forgiveness and understanding of others. The one who would lay down his life for others not as a doormat, but as a true leader, all said. There are few people today who fall into this category and if you find one stick to him because he is positive and can be counted as dependable leader. No sooner had the search put on then the answer arrived, the answer reflects nobody but the Savior for Nigeria, the leadership technocrat, master blaster who can map out strategies for solving economics and security challenges in Nigeria, he is ENGR (DR) RABIU MUSA KWANKWANSO, the able leader who deserved to be voted as Nigerian president. Thus “Galton’s Hereditary Genius theory (1869) concluded that leadership was inherited. In other words, leaders were born, not developed.” This notable conclusion lent great initial support for the notion that leadership is rooted in characteristic of the leader or his bloodline, therefore Leadership is characterized in the bloodline of this man. The followings reasons were gathered from preliminary research from people views, Kwankwaso speeches and web information, discussions among others. The research confirmed Kwankwaso is the people choice, who deserve to be Nigerian President under the flag of All Progressive Congress (APC) because of the following reasons: 1. He is open minded person who doesn’t believed in deceiving masses through the fraudulent use of religion, culture, tribe and tradition for confusing and manipulation of the general public. 2. He is not corrupt as his government proved that while not yet candidly proved to take public funds to his pocket. 3. He is very patient as for so many years he remained silent despite fake allegations against him. 4. He is very discipline and believed every public servant and all staff must be very committed to do their work. 5. He acknowledged and executes any initiatives with urgency without delay e.g. feeding primary school students, free education from primary school to tertiary institution and free maternity services among others. 6. Dr Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso opinion on Security funds which he did not collect some certain allowance per siren (outing) anywhere in the country proved honesty and dedication to service to humanity and the state. 7. He is the only one historically that sacrificed his pensions to pensioners and at one time donate part of his salary to government account for the people. 8. Appreciate scholarship he benefited from the state while studying abroad from the state government that motivates him to serve the state tremendously and toward perfection in the same vein award same to more than 1000 students to study abroad. . 9. He is very educated about the situation and problem that is bedeviling his states and Nigeria from what he knows as civil servant, second term executive governor and what he heard from various stakeholders that visited him for their support to him. . 10. He is so knowledgeable with vast idea about the work his government prepared and executed. These shows affection and dedication to the work; and during campaign and speeches he effectively mentioned those areas in both remote rural, rural, semi urban and urban area especially mentioning them by name. 11. Presently he is more experienced in work. His position as Minister of Defence, Ambassador, speaker House of representatives and adviser among others exposes him more to the international standard and better ways to serve people developmentally. 12. His working experiences linked him to explore more networks both locally and internationally. He knows many people, governments, groups and individuals who are ready to come and invest as well support the system of the state and Nigeria as a whole. 13. His plans for youths and women are unique. As more youth will be absorbed into various job opportunities through empowerment and financial support. 14. I discovered the categories of people who do not want Dr Rabiu Musa, they include ghost workers, lazy workers, corrupt Nigerians and those claiming 50% oil derivatives among others. 15. He only speaks about what seems SMART that include water, education, agriculture, industrial development, creating more jobs etc and his plans are with sustainability e.g. empowering youth and women among others. 16. He did not generates any loan to the state despite miniature grants received from the federal government. 17. The only governor that went with his cabinet to congratulate the opposition party governor that took over power from him in Nigeria. 18. He always shows Kano is what is in his heart and that has always being shown in his speeches. 19. He pledge reforming the government system by doing what is best at all points. 21. There was transparency of funding sharing between the state and the LGA as they meet and every Chairman knows what he have. 22. He believes everything to be where it should be (order). 23. Dr Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso realized the role of local and international NGOs and pledge to work with them closely for health, agric, human etc wider development. 24. His rural work and development proved great as hundreds of villages were supply with electricity. The choice is now for Nigerians to exercise wisely during the primary and general election before they lose the enviable leader who possess progressive mind with full spirit for nation building, at the same time people should realize the implication of losing him in Aso rock.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:50:33 +0000

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