BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO VOTE GEJ OR BUHARI; CONSIDER THESE: 1. Nigeria has made an estimated $500 billion from oil since it started exploration of which about 40 % was made within the last 15 years of democracy. $400 billon of this amount is lost to corruption and ends up in private pockets. 2. Nigerian natural gas is daily flared away 24/7 - It is like setting money on fire. A serious government would have invested the excess crude income in this area in the last 15 years of democracy. 3. Oil spills are a common occurrence due to ageing infrastructures and poor maintenance. This results in loss of revenue and sadly loss of lives by the oil spill ‘scoopers.’ 4. 74% of our national revenue is spent on wages, needless global gallivants and sustaining the opulence of our leaders. We have just 26% for infrastructures. A serious government would have cut this down drastically through modest living personal example. 5. Literacy level in Nigeria is below that of Kenya, Algeria, Republic of Congo and Egypt with Nigeria ranking a shameful 19th position out of 52 in Africa. 6. Nigerian is home to approximately 90 million youths under the age of 25 seething with frustration for lack of job opportunities, decent living and promising tomorrow; and those youths were not born by those in government. 7. Nigeria is world 7th most populous nation, thus presenting a big market for trade opportunities for North American and European Companies, which would in turn provide jobs for Nigerians. The lack of an enabling social, physical and legal environment wastes this opportunity. 8. Of every 1000 babies born in Nigeria, 72 would die before their first birthday, due to poor medical care. In Ghana, it is just 39 and Egypt just 23. 9. In the Northeast and Northwest Nigeria, 72% of the population live below poverty line. 10. Only about 5 medical facilities provide European standards on care in Nigeria, and they are beyond the reach of the common men. 11. The failure of the Nigerian government to invest in transportation infrastructure and energy make Nigerian industries vulnerable to competition from Chinese manufacturers and making Nigerian Chinese -import dependent. 12. Nigeria is in the 80th position in the list countries that could provide the best opportunities for a healthy, safe and prosperous life in the years ahead for babies to be born. Should we play ethnic, religious and certificate cards with these scary statistics?
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 10:59:36 +0000

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