BEFORE YOU GO TO SLEEP TONIGHT LET US PRAY! You and all the - TopicsExpress


BEFORE YOU GO TO SLEEP TONIGHT LET US PRAY! You and all the members of your household shall never be slain, slaughtered, sacrificed, wasted, annihilated, abducted, kidnapped or destroyed by the evil agents of satan in these end times Jesus Name. You shall never be a victim of the anomalies of Hell, strayed bullets, collapsed building, plane crashed in or out of plane, sinking ship or ferry, derailed trains, gas explosion, fire out brake, high voltage electrical upsurge, and multiple auto crashes in Jesus Name. You shall always enjoy Heaven on earth in all your endeavours, you will never beg to eat, to drink, to wear, to live, you will not depend on your enemies for sustainance, you will never know failure, shame, disgrace, dishonour, reproach and embarrassment in Jesus Name. From today, Jehovah God will open for you that door which people considered difficult to open, He close doors of mysteries and woes, He will open before you the doors of elevation, promotion, advancement, upliftment, enlightenment and unparalleled achievement and accomplishments in your life in Jesus name. Doors of great opportunities, favour, blessings and greater achievement shall be open onto your God given ministry and career before this year runs out in Jesus Mighty name. May the Grace of GOD Almighty rest upon you and your household from now! May the Lord be with you all and keep you! May God make His face shine upon you and give you peace! May you see your childrens children and never know their graves! May God keep you forever great, make your children very great and your childrens children exceedingly great from your generation onward to the generations yet unborn in Jesus wonderful name. Whatever your heart wishes, my heart wishes for you. Your wishes and my wishes may the be in line with the plans and purposes of God in His blueprint for your life! You will fulfil purpose! You will fulfil destiny in the Name of Jesus! Amen! Good Night! Sleep Well! Sweet Dreams! May Night Be Sweet and Peaceful! Have a fruitful prayerful joyful Week! Emmanuel=GOD With Us!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 04:58:33 +0000

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