=====BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME, KNOW MY STORY!===== I am between - TopicsExpress


=====BEFORE YOU JUDGE ME, KNOW MY STORY!===== I am between 20-to-30 years old. I have spent all my life in the diaspora. I have never seen my country and relatives there. I dont know my mother tongue, but use other foreign languages; infant people can say anything about me in my mother tongue and will never understand anything about them. The Sad reality is that both my parents are from the same country and carry that same citizenship. Sadly whenever I tell my story people jump to conclusions and judge me straight forward, some are shocked about my situation, even others abuse me because of it. I decided to share my story so that many might benefit from it, including my parents of my same origin. The reason of my situation is this. Although both of my parents are from the same country and carry Citizenship they sadly didnt quite like their origin. They used to prevent us from using our mother tongue and mingling with our people. In fact; our mother tongue was forbidden in our house at all. The flag of our country was never brought in our house, we never attended any national celebration, and worse, our parents used to say, “Our people are not good, they don’t educate themselves, they are people of progress, the few people who have achieved success are the ones that avoided our people and mingled with the foreigners. You saw how they are sitting restaurants all day long and keep chewing Khat, talking about tribal politics, in that way they wasted their entire life and will do the same to yours, so avoid them at any cost so that you can achieve anything in Life”. If our parents, whom we trusted and take guidance from, were saying these things about their people, we knew what we are expected from and how we could please them. Sadly the result became this. We hated the name of our origin. We used to say to ourselves why Allah created you from these people. We were not comfortable with our skin and origin, as well as our language. When people ask us, where we are from, we used to claim other countries, running away from shame and for glory. I loved all people except ours. We never befriended with them at all. We developed inferiority complex. We used to see other foreigners better than us. This resulted, all our siblings marring foreigners. We are simply the lost generation. In conclusion, I feel everything starts with in the house you grow up, were you take from what the marketers call, your “Core believe”. It’s where you acquire the love of your identity, your country, your people and your religion. You master your mother tongue and understand your culture, beliefs, attitudes, values and norms of your people. The house is the place where you develop a sense of patriotism, self-esteem and self-worth., that all come from the parents you have and what they believe. Sadly we are the lost generation of our people. https://facebook/AbdiboqorMOsman?ref=hl
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 04:22:29 +0000

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