BEFORE you go off to bed tonight, make certain that your day is - TopicsExpress


BEFORE you go off to bed tonight, make certain that your day is planned for tomorrow!!! Have your Isa Snack Wafers ready to go! You will need between 6-8 of them. IsaDelights are also a great idea. If you are working out today you can add an e+ shot. How much water will you require?? At least 1/2 ounce of water per pound of body weight. Here is an example of my cleanse schedule. Its the same basic schedule Ive used for the past nearly 8 years. Day 1: If you have never cleansed with us before, you are in for a real treat!!! Today you are blessing your body for all the hard work it does for you! Keep THIS in mind as you move forward. Its NOT about starving yourself. You are WASHING trillions of cells squeaky clean as you FLOOD those same cells with AMAZING superfood nutrition and vital minerals!! As your body starts to awaken today its asking...where is my energy source coming from today- today your body will be using the stored sugars as its source! (many folks find they are no longer dependent on junk foods after going through this program. Wake Up: 1-2 ounces of Ionix 15 minutes later: 1 e+ Shot IF I am going to require more energy today 15 minutes later 1-2 snack wafers, 1 Natural Accelerator, BIG glass of water. (16 ounces) AM vitamins if you are going to use them today. Product B at the least. 9:00am 1st Cleanse 10:00am Snack Wafer and glass of water 11:00am Isa Delight, follow with water Noon: 2nd Cleanse and Natural Accelerator, PM vitamins of you are using them today. Product B at the least 1:00pm Snack Wafer and glass of water 2:00pm Isa Delight, follow with water 3:00pm 3rd Cleanse 4:00pm Isa Delight, if needed. If not Snack Wafer and glass of water 5:00pm Snack Wafer and glass of water 6:00pm 4th Cleanse 7:00pm Snack Wafer and glass of water 8:00pm Snack Wafer and glass of water BEDTIME: 1-2 IsaFlush and 2 squirts of Sleep Spray if you have it. I like to end my cleanse day with a hot lavender bubble bath. Make sure you are ready for day 2!! Why day 2?? Day 2 is what I call the MAGIC day. On day 2 as your body is awakening it will again look for the source of energy it will be using to get you up and going. Today its the energy found in your stored fat cells!!! This happens only after a 24 hour cleanse. WE LOVE DAY 2!! A side benefit of day 2 is that many folks find it easier than day 1! First of all your brain has now accepted that you are indeed CLEANSING and not starving yourself! Secondly because you have gotten the first day over with your body is not competing with all the many functions that occur constantly inside- like breaking down foods and digesting. **IF for any reason you must bail on the cleanse- PLEASE do so by enjoying an IsaLean or IsaLean Pro shake. For Petes sake do not run to the golden arches or grab a salad!!! Just a shake. You will want a shake to be the first meal into your cleaner body no matter how long you cleansed. ***We NEVER cleanse for more than 2 days. NEVER. No matter how amazing you feel. Put 5 days of shakes and a healthy fork and knife meal into your body before repeating.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:44:46 +0000

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