BEGIN TO SET-UP SO THAT YOU CAN RECEIVE WHAT YOU NEED Proverbs 24:3 Through skilful and godly Wisdom is a house (a life, a home, a family) built, and by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation]. (Amplified Bible)The Hebrew word translated built in Proverbs 24:3 is ‘banah’ and it means to (i)begin to build (ii)make (iii)repair (iv)set-up (v) obtain/raise children. In the last three instalments of Bolts of Wisdom we have already dealt with (i) begin to build, (ii) make and (iii) repair. Today we deal with (iv) set-up(iv)Set-up– Whenever something is set-up, it means it is positioned to receive. There is an expectation to receive something good. Many a son who has a rich father who owns successful businesses will often be set-up by the father to succeed him and run the business.In team sports, for example, professional basketball, the coach will devise strategies that set-up the best offensive player to receive the ball at “crunch time” and score. The sharp shooter expects to not only receive the ball, but to score, shine and get his team to win. It is good for him to shine: he will become a celebrity and get new employment contracts that pay him a lot more money. Most importantly, as long as he keeps on receiving and shining; he will be set-up again many times over. Receiving, shining and winning become his nature. Therefore, Proverbs 24:3 is telling us that “Through skilful and godly Wisdom is a house, a life, a home, a family, set-up.......” As long as you keep on receiving skilful and godly wisdom based on God’s Word, and doing what it tells you to do then everything to do with your life, home and family is set-up to receive good things only and shine.God’s Word is intended to set you up, to position you to receive good things and win only. You are refusing to be set-up when you dot meditate on God’s Word and/or miss church services. Doing God’s Word all the time, in all things makes you reign over life’s circumstances and shine. When you face challenges, do what God’s Word tells you to do and you will always come back with testimonies of victory. Proverbs 13:22 says “A good man leaves an inheritance [of moral stability and goodness] to his children’s children.........”(Amplified Bible). God’s Word is telling us here that a good man who does what the Word of God tells him to do will leave an inheritance of moral stability and goodness (wealth, legacy, example to follow, etc) for not only his children but grandchildren as well. You can only leave an inheritance of wealth for your grandchildren if you died wealthy.This is powerful; doing God’s Word sets you up to live and die in a manner that will be a blessing to your children and grandchildren. This goes against the mindset of many cultures, including African culture. In African culture, most parents love their children and raise them up to be successful in life so that they can provide financially for their parents in their old age. The parents have an expectation to live in lack in old age and the children become their insurance or reliable “pension” money source. This is a terrible mindset; it perpetuates the dependency syndrome which is a major scourge on the African continent. It is good and proper for children to financially provide for parents who are in lack. Even if you are in old age and in lack start doing God’s Word now. God will make sure you will be able to leave not only your children but your grandchildren a great inheritance of moral stability and goodness. This legacy is not for good man only but for good woman too.Only do the good things of your culture, these are the ones that do not go against God’s Word.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 11:53:03 +0000

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