BEGINNING TO PRAY FOR PEOPLE? HERE ARE SOME NOTES FROM JOHN WIMBER TO GET YOU STARTED- Five Step Healing Model STEP 1: THE INTERVIEW – MARK 9:21 Answers the question: “Where does it hurt?” Learn the value of really listening to someone. When “how are you?” becomes a real question rather than a greeting, you are on your way to a healing ministry! A. Conducted on two planes 1. Natural level (what’s wrong, how can I pray for you? a. Listen and sort information according to their personal experiences b. Observe what you can see, hear, what you know, etc.) c. This is NOT a medical interview d. Listen as long as is appropriate for the setting in which you are ministering 2. Supernatural level (what is the Holy Spirit saying about this?) a. Sort information according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit assumes a theology that says all the gifts are available to every believer on a situational basis) b. As you gain experience, give more weight to what the Holy Spirit is saying B. This is for information gathering (basic facts; listen longer in a non-church setting) 1. Where does it hurt? 2. How long has it been hurting? 3. Has a doctor diagnosed it? 4. What do you feel the problem is? C. The interview is complete when: 1. You have ascertained some of the natural and/or spiritual causes of their condition 2. God has inspired you with specific direction in prayer STEP 2: THE DIAGNOSTIC DECISION – JOHN 9:3 Answers the question: “What is causing this condition?” Seek to deal with root issues if possible, but don’t neglect the presenting problem. A. Natural factors 1. Living in a fallen, sinful world (viruses, accidents, etc.) 2. Lifestyle consequences (diet, out-of-balance life, sinful behavior, etc.) 3. Emotional or social issues (abuse, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness) 4. Genetic factors (heart disease, diabetes) B. Spiritual factors 1. Demonic affliction (anything with Biblical precedent, i.e. blindness, deafness, etc.) 2. Demonic oppression (compulsive behavior, fear, etc.) 3. Witchcraft (curses, dabbling in the occult, demonic movies, etc.) Note: Beware of dogmatic cause/effect equations STEP 3: THE PRAYER SELECTION – JOHN 8:6 Answers the question “What kind of prayer will I need?” A. Prayer directed toward God 1. Invocation (inviting the Holy Spirit to come and minister) 2. Prayer in the Spirit (doorway to other gifts – 1 Cor. 14:14-15) 3. Petition (asking God for what we want, with thanksgiving – Phil. 4:6-7) 4. Intercession (standing in the gap, identifying with another’s situation – Gal. 6:2) B. Prayer from God 1. Command of faith (be healed, rise and walk, etc. See Acts 3:6) 2. Pronouncement of faith (God has forgiven you, etc. See Matt. 9:2) 3. Rebuking, binding, or expelling a spirit or condition (stop it! See Mark 1:25) STEP 4: THE PRAYER ENGAGEMENT – MARK 8:23-24 Applies the power of God, while continually asking for the Holy Spirit’s direction A. Basics of Ministry Prayer 1. Position yourself in front of the person so that you can speak with them 2. Pray with your eyes open so you can see what is happening with them 3. Invite the Lord to come, and wait until He comes! Waiting in silence is OK 4. Dial down your soul-realm so you can discern the Spirit’s promptings more easily 5. Bless what you see the Father doing B. Praying for Effect 1. Watch for clues of the Holy Spirit’s presence (warmth, tingling, muscle spasms, shaking, deep breathing, etc.) 2. Aim for the relief of the presenting problem 3. Address other issues as the Holy Spirit gives direction (often leads back to the interview process) 4. Monitor emotional or spiritual realities in yourself as you pray C. The Importance of Dialogue 1. Healing often is more of a process than a sudden event 2. Dialogue does not disturb the Holy Spirit 3. The person will tell you what effects are occurring, helping you to bless what God is doing 4. Helps build your faith when positive responses come 5. Helps you discern factors that are blocking successful prayer a. Resistance rooted in some sort of fear (exposure, new responsibility, etc.) b. Unbelief (in either the person or in you!) D. Ending the Prayer Time 1. Stop when the person indicates they want to be done 2. Stop when the Holy Spirit indicates He is done 3. Stop when you run out of things to say 4. Stop when you have prayed and have not gotten anywhere STEP 5: POST-PRAYER DIRECTION – LUKE 5:14 Answers the question “What should I do or expect next?” A. Summarize the Situation 1. Explain what has occurred to the best of your understanding 2. Share any words of encouragement from the Lord (impressions, pictures, etc.) 3. Direction toward practical repentance from sin 4. If healing is not complete, affirm and encourage them to keep asking, seeking, knocking 5. Offer simple Biblical instruction a. Go and sin no more b. Make restitution or confession as appropriate c. Get prayer again and again d. Continue to resist the evil one B. Avoid the Following Problems 1. Don’t give personal advice for life direction 2. Don’t condemn or blame the person for not receiving healing 3. Don’t be insensitive to the person’s pain, guilt, fears, and confusion 4. Don’t preach or give unwanted counsel 5. Avoid overt gestures, loud voices, etc. 6. Resist emotional attraction to the person 7. Do not touch the person inappropriately (asking permission to lay hands on is helpful) C. Refer 1. Encourage them to join a fellowship Group 2. Encourage them to attend specific classes or seminars related to their need 3. Encourage follow- up counseling from staff or professionals 4. Encourage them to get books or tapes related to their need
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 10:48:13 +0000

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