BEGNING OF THE EARLIER EFFORTS >> BY THE KPS Shiv Kumar Bhat March 4 · New Delhi · Dated; 18-02-2014. On the eve of Mahayagnya ( Hawan) performed by Kashmiri Samiti Delhi at Lajpat Nagar New Delhi 110024. On 16th February 2014. All the Biradari members took part in the Hawan. After having Prasad/ lunch, Sh. Shiv Bhat social activist and Gen.Secy. of KVSS. Organised an all party meeting in which almost all the heads of different organisations took part, The members who took part in the meeting were, 1 . Sh. Sunil Shakdar ( Former President Kashmiri Samiti Delhi) 2. Dr. L.N. Dhar ( Former President Kashmiri Samiti Delhi 3.Sh. Vijay Raina. ( Vice President Kashmiri Samiti Delhi) 4. Sh. Bushan Lal Bhat ( Former Vice President Kashmiri Samiti Delhi 5 Sh..Sumeer Chrangoo ( Secretary Kashmiri Samiti Delhi Koul ( Secretary Kashmiri Samiti Delhi 7.Sh. Anoop Koul ( Executive Member Kashmiri Samiti Delhi 8. Sh. KuldeeP Tickoo ( Secretary Kashmiri Samiti Delhi 9.Sh. Nana Ji Raina. ( Presidential Candidate for KSD election April 2014.& Former V.P. KSD) 10.Sh. Rattan Lal Kaul . ( General Secretary Candidate for KSD election April 2014. & Former Secy.KSD) 11. Sh. Shiv Kumar Bhat . ( General Secretary KVSS.) 12.Sh A.K Jalla ( Dilshad Garden) 13. Sh. R.K Saproo ( Pratap Vihar.) 14. Sh.H.L.Wangnoo ( Former Secy. Gen . AIKS. 15.Sh. R.K Bhan ( President Faridabad Association,) 16.Sh. S.K Pandita 17. Sh.Ravinder Badam. 18. Sh. R.K. Kampasi. 19.Dr. Sunil Koul. 20. Sh. Payray Lal Kaul. 21. Sh.M.K.Koul 22. Sh. Bansi Razdan ( KPUF) 23. Sh. Rajen Ghassi 24. Sh. Sohan Lal. 25. Sh. Madan Kaul. 26. Sh. R.M Wangnoo. Sh. M.K.Koul He was much concerned about the Mandir bill and urged the the biradari to form a collective platform and press the Govt. To pass the Mandir bill in the house. He was critical about the people who became Govt. Agents, they forgot that these were the people who have thrown us out from our ancestral home 24 years back. Sh. Anoop Koul. Mr. Koul has requested to all members to come under one umbrella to fight for our cause. He said why poltical parties speak only the roites of 2002 and 1984 why they speak about the genocides of 1990 about Kashmiri Pandits. He further added that why not form a all party action committee as by this way we will have one voice in entire country, and Mandir bill will be passed only when Dr. Karan Singh,s services will be involved. Sh. Kuldeep Tickoo. Mr. Tickoo said that we should preserve our identity as Kashmiri Pandits and intercast marriages should be stopped. . Bansi Razdan. Sh Sh. Razdan was in the view that we should not have only meetings but should have meaningful meetings whatever will be passed in the meeting should be implemented immediately. Sh. Kundan Kashmiri. He Said that he has devoted his life for the cause of the community . He said we should listen each other patiently as we are Kashmiri Bhattas ,lip service and lolly poppying should be stopped, Now it is time to take actions and not make speeches. He further said that every Kashmiri Pandit should oppose the intercast marriage system. He was of the opinion that we should have one umberalla where every body can contribute. The list of 112 k.p,s has been released who are willing to go back to Kashmir Mr. Kundan Ji has requested these people not to return back to the valley in the prevailing conditions. Dr. L.N Dhar. Dr. Dhar was very clear in his speech, He said we don,t have clear agenda from last 25 years. Whether to go back to Kashmir or not if we don,t want to go back to Kashmir then what to do with Mandir bill. But if we have to go back to the valley with respect then we should frame the agenda and we should have one party system, and the terms and conditions should be set for our honourable return,Dr. Dhar was against Inter cast marriage system and said that the younger generation should be involved and shoud be brain washed not to go for intercast marriagesystem. He further said that in Kashmiri Samiti there was a system that whenever any poltical development was taking place, the KSD was arranging the meetings of all the heads of the organisations unfortunately it has been stopped. He requested Mr. Vijay Raina (Vice President KSD) to call a meeting for setting up an agenda how we should go back to the valley. Sh. Rajen Ghassi. He said we should not divide the people in the name of election, we should not make smaller organisations we should get united and we should form an umbrella organisation because enough is enough. On one side The C.M of J&K is recognising the smaller organisations and on other side he is saying that K.P,s don’t have leader and he will speak to whom, He further said that we have a door in Delhi Like KSD. Through KSD we should raise our problems and we should press the Govt. Whatever our land has been grabbed in Kashmir we should restore it. Sh. Madan Ji. He said that we should be very strong with ourselves to fight our cause and at the same time we should not solemnise marriages in big hotels and in farm houses we should not forget that we are migrants and one day we all have to go back to Kashmir. Sh. Nana Ji Raina, ( A candidate for Presidential Election for KSD) He was of the opinion that it should be left to the community members when to go back Kashmir . The leaders should not say that we will not go back to Kashmir. Mr. Raina also said that we are down economically from last 24 years.The Govt. Should come up with some concrete plan with some special package for Kashmiri Pandits.Sh. Raina was also of the opinion that the marriages and yagnopavits should be solemnised in mandirs not in hotels. Sh. Sunil Shakdar. He said that he has watched the K.P,s migration in 1990 very keenly. He dedicated the time for the community while sitting in Kashmiri Bawan Lajpat Nagar.He worked hard for the upliftment of the biradari. He fought the election became the President of the Samiti, he said people know about his contribution towards the community. He further said that agendas and discussions will be going on but what we require is action only then we can achieve something. Elections of Samiti has been announced we should elect good and qualified people who have speaking and writing capabilities and who can set the house in order, Nowadays we don,t welcome each other we don.t have meetings with poltical leaders this is very serious matter he added. Sh. R.K Saproo. Sh. Saproo expressed the need of unity among the leaders of the community, He said no separate groups should be formed, After the tenure of Dr. L.N.Dhar as President nobody has called the meeting of K.P,s residing in NCR.After the election of Ksd in 2010 and after the election of 2012 KSD has done nothing, after migration of 25 years we are back to square one, Now in this election of 2014 to be held on 27th April as per notification a good honest and dedicated team should take the KSD management so that something will be done for this poor community. Sh. H.L Wangnoo. He said that he is the founder member of KSD, He was the Secretary General in AIKS. He was very clear that we belonged to Kashmir and we have to go back to Kashmir, He said he along With respected Kaw Sahib has prepared 10 points as condition for returning back to Kashmir,He said that they have developed the youths through SOS, They have also discussed the Article 370 thread bear, he further said that time has come when we should take the poltical plateform also and people should join politics, He prayed that God. Will shower us with good sanskars and we should treat every Kashmiri Pandit as our own family member, He further informed that due to the efforts the encroachment of Shakti Nagar plot has been removed which is great achievement. Sh. R.K Bhan ( Faridabad) Mr. Bhan said he was tired listing all this from last 15 years, Now time has come that we should make a apex body of 3-4 members, who will take decisions on every front, they should be strong enough as Govt. Is always trying to divide us. Sh. Ravinder Badam. He said all the K.P Leaders should shun ego first should come together and form a united front. He further added that KSD has gone weak only because when Sh . Shakdar became President He pushed Sh. C.L Gadoo ( Former President) out Similarlary Dr. L.N Dhar Pushed Sh Sunil Shakdar out . Sh. Rakesh Kaul Pushed Dr. L.N Dhar out, Now another person is pushing Sh. Rakesh Kaul out, by this way every President, well wishers have also stopped in coming to KSD. By this way the organisation has gone weaker and weaker, Now the time has come it should be stopped and their services should be utilized back. Sh. Sohan Lal. He stressed the need having more and more social gatherings to have more interactions with each other. Making smaller organisations should be stopped. Sh. H.L Mujoo. He stressed upon the need of electing good Executive members in the elections of KSD. He added how the people who mix with separatists can become executive members in KSD.So the people who have friendship with militants should be debarred from contesting the KSD election. Sh. Payrey Lal Ji. He said all the wrong doings should be rectified. People should not be in angry arms. We should create a group of good peoples who can talk with each other so that the problems will be solved. Sh. Rattan Lal Kaul ( Myself) In the KSD election of 2010 and then in the election of 2012. The management had promised to make advisory board consisting of Former Presidents of KSD, all the heads of the different organisations, but failed to fulfil their promise best known to them. In my view the KSD can function smoothly only when we have the advisors like. Sh. C.L. Gadoo, Sh.Sunil Shakdar, Dr. L.N Dhar, Sh. J.L Bhat. Sh. H.N Nehru, Sh. Kundan Kashmiri, Sh Moti Kaul, Dr. Ramesh Raina, Sh. Moti Lal Raina, Advocate Ashok Bhan, Advocate T.N Razdan, Sh. Avinash Tickoo, Sh. Shiv Bhat, Sh R.K Bhan, Sh. H.L Wangnoo, Sh. N.N Zijoo, Sh. M.L Bhat, Sh Ashok Jalla and many more veterans, The Kashmiri Samiti should work under their guidences. Sh. Shiv Kumar Bhat. A well known social activist and fire band youth leader concluded the meeting by welcoming the people who contributed in the meeting by their views. He said we should have the maha panchayat of K.P,s where we can take collective decisions. He said he is always in touch with community members by way of SMS , Facebook and on twitter as he is spending the money from his pocket because he is the sufferer as he has left out his property in Kashmir worth crores, he has promised to the community that he will not take rest till he will restore the property of K.P,s which has been grabbed or encroached, He further said we have good leaders in our community but unfortunately they are divided, i appeal them they should come together in one platform. He said nowadays politicians are talking about 2002 and 1984 rites why no politician is taking about genocides of 1990 of K.P,s. We should vote to tht person who can speak about us. Mr. Shiv Bhat said that very shortly he is organising Maha Panchayat of Kashmiri Pandits where some major decisions will be taken. Minutes of meeting were prepared by Rattan Lal Kaul 9873828393. Who is one of the candidate for General Secretary Position In Kashmiri Samiti Delhi election to be held on 27-04-2014. So please every body vote for me as i promise to do better.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 20:45:12 +0000

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