BEHIND THE BEATLES SONGS: She Loves You. By Beatles Book author - TopicsExpress


BEHIND THE BEATLES SONGS: She Loves You. By Beatles Book author Dennis Alstrand & Mike Montana. MM: I was so impressed with your new book, Dennis, that I thought we could do a five part series here on The Beatles Universe Features page this week featuring one song every day that will give our members a taste of your excellent new book. So which song have you chosen for Day 1? Dennis: How about SHE LOVES YOU? MM: Holy crap, thats exactly the song I have would have picked. That is one powerful tune ... Dennis: ... one of the most powerful recordings Ive heard. The most amazing thing about the record is what they went through to get to it. As far as I can tell, they wrote it one day and recorded it just a few days later. They played some gigs and then made their way down to London to record it in a hurry. MM: Even in those early days of making hits they were trying different things, in this case, writing in the third person. Dennis: The only thing Ive ever heard the Beatles say about the record is that Paul had an idea that, instead of being about me or you, they would sing about someone else. MM: Could you please give us a quote from your book The Beatles And Their Revolutionary Bass Player about SHE LOVES YOU. Dennis: Sure ...This was the sound of Beatlemania, but was it just a matter of luck and happenstance that they turned the song into the biggest selling record for years to come? The Beatles arent talking, but there is one thing that they have made clear: they listened to a lot of records when they were on their way up. Whether or not they knew the musical definitions of what they were hearing, they certainly ended up using some very sophisticated aspects in their music and She Loves You is no exception. Youd think that they spent months perfecting the recording. ... Ive often wondered if its only me, but there is real power in the little guitar flourishes that George double-tracked on the song. Each time a verse starts, George plays a (clearly overdubbed) guitar flourish on his Gretch “Country Gentleman” (Chet Atkins model). “Growling”, says Alan Pollack. But when you hear the flourish, you know the song is going to continue. The first of these happy ones happens just after the first refrain (at 0:12) when the verse is ready to start. MM: Thanks Dennis. Tomorrow part two as we move forward in Beatles recording history to 1964.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:56:38 +0000

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