BEHIND THE SCENES PART 14 BY: BALEKANE - Call the ambulance! - TopicsExpress


BEHIND THE SCENES PART 14 BY: BALEKANE - Call the ambulance! Shouted the elder again while looking at Jabulani who was bleeding terribly. The elder went swiftly to Jabulani and put his hand on Jabulanis shoulder... Hang in there young Jabu, the ambulance is on its way said the elder while looking straight at Jabulani. Jabulani feared to die hence he was crying like a child promised to be spanked. What is the address of this house and the street name? Said the neighbour who called the ambulance. Are you kidding? You stayed here for as long as you can remember but you dont know your street name? Said another neighbour with a scowl. Hey! Hey! Dont fight, go and ask Meikis mother who is at the gate please Said the elder then turning to face Jabulani... Hang in there young man... Hang in there said the elder with a soft tone. The man who called the ambulance went to Meikis mother who was at the gate and asked for the information needed, others(Women) also asked the man what was happening in the house and the minute he told them they all went mad and they were confused. Jabu was shot? What was he doing in the house? All these comments were from the neighbours. Eh! Eh! Mmmmmmmm! Ke flopo tjuuuu! Eh! Gape le nigga lela ne le le wete waitsi joh! Said a nyaope boy who was wearing a bucket hat(Spoti) to his friend. Oryt joh! Gape ngwanola kgale ke mo nyaka, ke mo fasitse sebaka joh... Eish! Responded another nyaope boy to his friend with a whisper(Nyaope tone). Eh! Eh! Kgante o bolela ka mang? Kagore Jabu ke mojita Said the nyaope boy with a bucket hat(Spoti). It was after ten minutes minutes when the ambulance came and fortunately Jabu was well taken care of by women of that community, meaning he was still alive. The police came two minutes after the ambulance and did their job, including taking the things which the thieves packed in the black plastic bags. Suzen saw her Tablet amongst the things that were about to be taken by the police just to check finger prints , then she remembered that she gave the judges at the audition her E-mail address which she used with her Tablet. Suzen then told Meikis mother that she needed the Tablet and told her why... Meikis mother understood then spoke with the police about it and she was given her tablet. Jabulani was taken to hospital and the house was examined then the police told Mekis mother that it would be a good idea if they slept somewhere safe like at their nearest relatives or family friends around(Neighbours). Mama Skhosana offered them a stay and they agreed to it... They all went to sleep at Mama Skhosanas home and because Mama Skhosana lived alone, there were two rooms available. It was nearly 05:00... Thus Meiki and Suzen agreed to look at the tv instead of going to sleep while Meikis mother went to sleep with Mama Skhosana. It was at 07:30 when Meikis mother woke Suzen and Meiki then told them that she received a call from hospital saying that Jabulani is doing well and they can be able to speak to him. Suzen and Meiki went to wash their faces then they both together with Meikis mother went to catch a taxi to the hospital since the car was also taken by the police towering car and even though they didnt they, it would have been of no use because the car key was broken. It was a good coincidence for them to go see Jabulani at hospital that day since Meikis father was going to be discharged as well that day. After fourty minutes the taxi came to a halt and as they were walking on a path to the hospital... Suzen received a call and she listened while saying yes yes yes and the minute she dropped the phone, she shouted to be heard by everyone who was less than two hundred metres away... Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Yeeees! Yeeeeeeees! Bantsere ko Skeem Saaam! Shouted Suzen while dancing. Meiki and Her mother didnt know what to do... Whether to keep walking since they have serious information they needed from Jabulani or to celebrate with Suzen... They stood in confusion. #ContinuesTomorrow_EightThirty
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 18:11:03 +0000

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