BEHIND THE SCENES PART 24 BY: BALEKANE - ... Infected by STD - TopicsExpress


BEHIND THE SCENES PART 24 BY: BALEKANE - ... Infected by STD but since it has not yet developed then we will terminate it immediately and we saw nothing concerning the growth within your womb hence your eggs have not yet contracted a sperm Said the doctor then cleared his throat to continue before he was interrupted. Sorry to interject doctor, can u explain the part about sperm but in simple english, please Said Suzen while sitting properly on the bed provided by the Hospital. Oh! Ok! What I said was you are not pregnant according to our latest test... Said the doctor while emphases with his one hand because the other one was carrying a file. So what do you mean by saying Our latest test? Are you saying there is a possibility that I might be pregnant later? Said Suzen while raising her voice. Good question, Yes it is possible that you might be pregnant later as it has happened to many who went through the same path as you and refused to take prevention medication... Said the doctor before interrupted. You mean terminating medication? Said Suzen with a lower tone. Ok! I can see that you know much about medicine but this time you are clearly wrong because you terminate the existing thing and prevent what doesnt exist yet, for example you are not pregnant yet hence we want to prevent you from falling pregnant Said the doctor with a smile then looking at Suzen. Suzen didnt expect to be in a wrong hence that embarrassed her and she went silent. A nurse came to a halt next to the doctor and gave him tablets then the doctor Thanked her before she headed outside the ward. So here are your tablets, these two are for STD and these Three are for pregnancy and other diseases preventions and I hope you take them all Said the doctor then handed the tablets to the patient as well as a glass of water. Suzen took them all and swallowed them with a help of a glass of water. Thank you doctor Said Suzen while wiping her mouth. It is my job to take care of you hey, so no family member came to see you Said the doctor while fixing his eyes on Suzen. Yes no-one, I dont blame them though, because they all live far, you see Said Suzen while laying flat on her bed. Ok! But I hope they will come soon because tomorrow you will be discharged Said the doctor while heading out of the ward but he stopped at the door then came back to Suzens bed. The minute the doctor next to Suzen, he said... Oh! One important thing, there are journalists waiting for you outside and they want to see you even now but we refused Said the doctor with a serious face. Suzens face started to glow and she forgot that she was raped the minute she heard that people who can make her to be famous were waiting outside for her. Why didnt you let them in? Said Suzen with serious face. What? No! young girl, it is against the law and also, they will be invading your privacy Said the doctor with a more formal tone than before. Suzen saw that the doctor didnt understand and didnt want to jinx things hence she responded... Ok! I see Said Suzen returning back to sleep. It was after few minutes of taking medication when Suzen had long sleep and when she woke-up, she saw her grandma(Koko Dorah), Meiki and her parents standing next to her bed while shaking their heads with their eyes filled with tears, it was only Koko Dorah who released hers. Suzen immediately got the same feeling she had when she realized that she has failed. Tears started to emerge emotionally and within a minute, Suzen had already cried a glass full tears. They all tried to comfort but they more they tried, the more she cried. The doctor came to a halt next Suzens bed while carrying an injection containing a sedative medicine and he hid it to Suzens notice, what made him to come with it... Was that Suzen was starting to stress a lot and it could have impacted her health negatively, so the doctor injected Suzen through the drip tube and it didnt even take Suzen twenty seconds to fall asleep. The moment Suzen was fast-asleep, the doctor turned his attention to Suzens family... I am so sorry to disturb your visit but you will have to leave her rest and you can come again tomorrow to pick her up because she will be discharged, anyways I am glad to meet you all and your child will be alright Said the doctor they have meet before they came to the ward. They all left without a comment as they were only wiping their tears while heading out. Suzen woke-up after an hour and saw only the nurses who were changing her drip, she asked the nurses where are her family members and they told her that they left but will be back tomorrow, she wanted to ask another question but she instantly forgot about it then took her phone to check who called, she realized that her phone was off and remembered that it was off since the police woman gave it to her while she was delivered at hospital. Eish! Eish! Said Suzen while switching on her phone. Do u have a problem? Said the nurse while stopping with what she was doing and looking at Suzen. No I am fine Said Suzen hoping for good notifications. The minute it became on and it was after six minutes when the manu screen appeared, a sign that it was ready to operate. Suzen was surprised to see fourteen messages and twenty missed calls... She then went through them one by one. Four of the first messages were please calls from Busisiwe and one of the message was again from Busisiwe telling her that she is well and will be discharged sunday. Susen checked what day it was and saw that it was Friday, she then proceeded, the next five messages were from random friends and out of last four, three messages were from her family but the last one was important that all the messages, it was a message from Skeem Skaam telling her that on monday she is requested to come and sign a contract. Suzen read through the requirements till she was done. Suzens face began to glow again that day, she then went through her missed call and realized that they were all from Jabulani. What does he want, Suzen question herself while dialing Jabulanis number. *Rings... Hey! Hey! Hey! My girl, I have been trying to get hold of you since I have mind smashing news for you Answered Jabulani with his American accent. Hello Jabu, I am at Hospital and sorry I couldnt answer when u called, I... Said Suzen before interrupted. What? I just spoke to one of the best Hip Hop star and he told me to come with you at Jozi tomorrow morning around 9am, you got a job! Said Jabulani then raising his voice. Suzen didnt know what to say but she asked... Who are you talking about? Said Suzen after sometime of silence. Aka baby girl, Yooh! You owe me big time Said Jabulani still with higher voice tone. Whaaaaaaaaat? Are you for real? Then its a deal since I will be discharged tomorrow, I love u a lot you know Said Suzen. So he told me that he pays two thousand bucks to add you within his music video, are you ok with it? Said Jabulani lowering his voice tone. Yes that is a lot of money, I am ok with it Said Suzen as fast as she can. But dont forget my thirty percent Said Jabulani. Yeah! No problem dear, if you keep doing such a good work then I will increase it to fifty percent Said Suzen then released a giggle of Joy. Ok! Then I will wake you up tomorrow morning, Goodnight Said Jabulani then hanging-up without waiting for a reply of conclusion. Suzen put her head on the pillow with a huge smile and dreamed about her future while forgetting that she was even raped... Life goes on. #ContinuesTomorrow_EightThirty
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 18:13:11 +0000

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