BEHOLD THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD. BE IT UNTO ME ACCORDING TO THY WILL (WORD). Luke 1:38 .............My devotionals.... well, I wake up with a title on my mind, or an idea, and have to get out of bed quickly to jot the idea down before it fades. Then I start writing and it all just pours out....very little planning done ahead of time. I never know what is going to come out. Same way when I write fiction. I am just as interested in the story, too, because I do not know what is coming next myself. LOL God gave me the ability to write. I try to use this talent for His glory, to help us all stay strong in Him. (And I think that is exactly what He expects of me. ) God gave me the talent to teach. Sure, I had to cultivate that talent, by studying and training, but He helped me to grow, to remember the things I have learned, and helps me, when I stand in front of my Ladies Bible Class the last 30+ years, to know what to say. (I was scared to death when I first started teaching the ladies, but I soon found, IF I WAS WILLING, He was ALWAYS THERE TO HELP ME THROUGH!. That was a very important lesson for me to learn. God helped me get a good car, so I try to use it to take people to church services, to Bible class, to go and visit the sick, or shut ins, to do my Elderly Care, and I thank Him over and over for my car. God gives me food daily, and so I share with the sick, with the shut ins, with those who have lost loved one, because that is what God expects of me, when He blesses me. He expects me to use it in His service. God has given me good health and as long as I have it, I will get myself up and go to worship Him without being asked or prodded to. He is my God. Where else would I be when the saints are gathering in to worship Him? God gave me my talents, my abilities, my blessings, as He did you, the reader. I dont deserve the credit for what I do. He does. Without Him and His guidance, I would be nothing. But I have learned, if I just leave it to Him, willingly accept the challenges He places before me, and trust Him through it, together we can do amazing things. You can too. ADF 2014
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 13:00:57 +0000

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