BEING A PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY NANS OGUN JCC SOLIDARITY ‘014, ON MONDAY 22ND OF DECEMBER,2014 OGUN STATE GOVERNMENT; THE MURDERER OF UNIVERSAL. AND AFFORDABLE EDUCATION. Compliment of the Season to all Nigerian Students. We salute the doggedness of all Ogun State students from the Elementary to Tertiary institutions,for your consistent endurance, patient in the face of provocation, perseverance to the abysmal mess and policy somersault that has characterized the Ogun State Educational System under the leadership of Sen.Ibikunle Amosun. It is noteworthy to emphasize that our silence in the recent time is never a demonstration of cowardice,but a strategic and calculated decision,its also an opportunity for the State Government and other stake holders to access and implement various recommendations,demands and advices that are capable of re-engineering a qualitative,affordable and result oriented education across board. Though,there had been insinuation that we have been infiltrated with bribes and threatened by the usurpers of students rights in other to subsist our voices against oppression.It is pertinent to re-iterate that such are gibberish intended to misinform the unsuspecting members of the public.In truism;every man has a price,but not all men are available for sale. Though,my humble self and gallant comrades have been paying the ultimate sacrifice,stormy oppression and inhuman treatments;ranging from assaults,unnecessary carry overs,threats to life.These are premeditated steps to frustrate our agitation for justice and perennial rights of the Nigeria Students.But today,we are alive to share the testimony of hope and celebrate our continuous victory against the saboteurs of our collective heritage,It is however humorous and satanic,for these oppressor in the corridor of power to christen me and others as Rebels.Truly,I say unequivocally,their days are numbered. HOW GOVERNOR AMOSUN MURDERED AFFORDABLE EDUCATION IN OGUN. Investigation has shown that the much aired and celebrated school fees reduction is a ruse,a white lie that can not fly.How does a government who increased our school fees to while he solemnly sweared to reduce to 50% still expected to be eulogized for doing a partial reduction in what he intentionally increased abnormally?.His Excellency should know that Nigeria Students/Ogun are refined,enlightened and well informed.Hence,we refused the tales of lies,neither can we be hoodwinked. As part of our progressive partnership,we have advised the State Government to expend the State resources on visible and result oriented project within the ambit the needs of Ogun State.We submitted that the existing classrooms should be renovated,teachers welfare given primus priority in the scheme of things.Today,our schools are lacking in qualified teachers and materials.The needless Model school have gulped whopping of millions without a single one completed after so many promises.We hereby remind His Excellency that education is a social service to which every serious goverment must not take with levity. Our dear governor issued a political instantaneous statement to the media which he called 60% reduction tuition fee in all 10 state institution, apart from the fact that he was forced to say this because of his re-election bid “2nd term Agenda”, the so called reduction as at now is not manifesting in many tertiary institution till , the exorbitant fee paid by our parent who have child(ren) in O.O.U, MAPOLY etc is still unbearable and sympathetic.The said reduction is a window dressing rehearsal. Its hard to believe that our dear Governor who was a beneficiary of free education at the then Ogun state Polytechnic now called Moshood Abiola Polytechnic.Where on earth will Mr. Governor dare over 300,000 Ogun State students by depriving them their rights.The leadership of NAOOS on various campuses have been turned to lairs with the unceremonious endless promises of bursery payment.A Yoruba aphorism has it that OJO KAN Ni ODE AFI FILA PA ERIN MA NI IYI MON a word for His Excellency to make amend! Your Excellency, you are not even ashamed of yourself, your walked into TASUED majestically stepping on the blood of our dear comrade whom you frustrated to early grave, we can categorically tell you that you are the killer of humble T.J through your Feb 4th pronunciation of TASUED merger which led to the lost of his life. It is hypocritical to rescind the decision on Tasued scrapping,but systematically scrapping it through removal of lucrative courses.This is done through your protege;Prof.Yemisi Obilade.It is needless to say that every position is transient.We shall do everything to make sure that another king reign after pharaoh. We were curious on the rationale behind the sudden delisting of management courses in TASUED curriculum, we are offering 48 courses before you came on board but as today we left with 18 courses (Accounting, industrial chemistry, sociology, telecommunication, Business Administration, petrochemical science, industrial and labour relation etc have being sent away by your emissary, the empress your installed to fast track the scrapping of TASUED, if you eventually returned to office next year.. Your Excellency, the university Auditorium where you were received during the convocation programme was built by your predecessor whereas you haven’t laid a foundation of a block of classroom in any tertiary institution in Ogun State talk less of TASUED (your enemy’s project) THE RESCUE HANDS FOR AFFORABLE EDUCATION IN OGUN STATE Unequivocal speaking, if not for the intervention of the some Assembly Men at the National Level who rescued our elementary schools from total collapse, who distributed laptop to equipped our I.C.T center in our various campuses and facilitated lighting project on our campuses vicinities, Nigerian students are never ingrate any one who contributed to our development shall be appreciated, while anyone who intimidate us shall also be challenged. Those on our good book of records are as follows. Otunba Gbenga Daniel;the transformer,who bequeathed Tasued to ijebus and Ogun State as a blessing Senator Adegboyega Sefiu Kaka (Ogun east) Senator Akin Odunsi (Ogun West) Hon. Adekunle Adeyemi (Ifo/ ewekoro) Hon. Akinlade Abiodun Hon. Abiodun Abudu Balogun Hon Remmy Hassan Thanks for salvaging Ogun State students from total destruction of educational institution caused by our dear Governor. I will never forget the tirelessly effort of my colleaques who are never accident of history,In the battle to protect Tasued,history beacons on all committed and gallant comrades:Com.Oyekanmi Abdullahi Plato and his entire SUG members,My brother Ishola Adebayo, My JCC excos and evercourageous OGUN STATE STUDENTS Conclusively. In the past we have led many protest, in the past we have confronted the oppression of state government without fear or favour , this time around your Excellency Senator Ibikunle Amosun Ogun State student have drawn another battle line with you and we shall visit your office in thousands at the right time to discuss issues. Kindly awaits us sir. SIGNED FALOLA AHMED ___________________ NANS CHAIRMAN OGUN STATE 07086227222 BB; 288C8410
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:10:47 +0000

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