BEING HATED SUCKS (but can be quite educational) I recently - TopicsExpress


BEING HATED SUCKS (but can be quite educational) I recently wound up on the receiving end of someones hatred (which really sucks, even though I barely know this person). Being the hated party, I really got the chance to see how poisonous hatred can truly be, as it REQUIRES the person experiencing the anger to commit to a single perspective concerning the object of their spite. Despite my efforts to reconcile our differences, and the incredibly limited context of our mutual experience, everything I said or did only served as greater proof that I was someone to be despised. Their hatred left no room for understanding, or empathy. Luckily this has been an extremely valuable learning experience. Lesson #1: Reevaluate my own anger and biases towards people who have wronged me in the past. Their slights are most likely a by-product of something causing them way more pain than they ever caused me. Lesson #2: If I get an uneasy feeling about someone, trust it. Dont engage and invest in people I dont resonate with. Its okay not to be friends with everyone. Lesson #3: When someone does get angry with me, dont get defensive. Listen, and attempt to see things from their point of view, so that if I did do something wrong, I can correct it. And if not, I can empathize with how they came to their conclusion, and hopefully add some context to their perspective. Lesson #4: Sometimes people are gonna hate me. Thats their business. Shrug it off and focus on the people I love, and that love me.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 18:53:53 +0000

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