BEING TEXT 0F A PRESS CONFERENCE ADRRESSED BY NANS OGUN JCC ON THE REASONS WHY OGUN STATE STUDENTS REFUSED TO CELEBRATE DEMOCRACY DAY 27th/5/2014 @ ABEOKUTA OGUN STATE FREE EDUCATION AT ALL LEVEL IS A NON NEGOTIABLE OBSESSION Education is light, it banishes fear and ignorance. The right to education has always been universally recognized. By several declrations & covenants, the world has acknowledged the in alienable right of people to education, the right has materialized into a National right. Ogun State is State of elites & prominent personalities. It is blessed with 10 State tertiary institutions, the existence of which attracts high turn out of school leavers seeking admission to higher education. annually, Ogun State is seen as a beautiful bride to attain the educational urge, even the indigene of the State are great beneficiaries of the admission on yearly basis. DEATH IS NOT A PENALTY FOR POVERTY AND POVERTY IS NOT A CRIME “When planning for a year sow corn When planning for a decade, plant tree When planning for life, train & educate Men. Without mincing words, the icy hand of untimely death has gotten away with all we could be proud of today as beauty of Democracy in our educational system. The analysis is simple when preaching democracy. We shouldn’t forget to underline the word “popular concept” that encompasses the sons & daughters of the poor. Gradually, qualitative education is getting restricted to the wards & children of the rich only, all over Nigeria, perhaps Ogun State isn’t exempted because the astronomical increment in tuition fee had drastically inflated the percentage of drop out on our campuses in Ogun State, those who were elated about gaining admission to one of Ogun State tertiary institution are sent back home to their parent due to unaffordable tuition fee. Administrators of tertiary institution in Ogun State had already implemented policy designed to favour the rich only, whom are most preferred for qualitative education above the poor. A case study of MAPOLY where full time students (freshers) were migrated to part time because they were unable to pay their tuition fee as at when due In order to shed more light on the above assertion, below are the data of the tuition fee paid in Ogun state tertiary institution INSTITUTION TASUED Old tuition fee: 53,750 New tuition fee: 88,750 Acceptance :30,000 TASCE OMU Old tuition fee :32,700 New tuition fee :40,850 Acceptance :11,000 ABRAHAM ADESANYA POLY I IGBO Old tuition fee: 54,000 New tuition fee: 75,000 Acceptance: 15,000 OGSCOTECH ILESE Old tuition fee: 76,000 New tuition fee:99,000 Acceptance :25,000 DS ADEGBENRO POLY ITORI ICT Old tuition fee:64,000 New tuition fee:74,000 Acceptance :15,000 MAPOLY Old tuition fee : 44,800 New tuition fee :62,300 Acceptance: 25,500 GATEWAY POLY SAAPADE Old tuition fee: 65,000 New tuition fee :80,000 Acceptance :20,000 OGST CORP COLLEGE IJEJA Old tuition fee: 28,000 New tuition fee :35,000 Acceptance :10,000 OGUN INSTITUTE OF TECH IGBESA Old tuition fee: 35,000 New tuition fee :65,000 Acceptance : 20,000 OOU Old tuition fee:82,000 ART&SOCS New tuition fee:140,000/150,000 Acceptance : 35,000 OOU LAW STD 172,000 MEDICINE 250,000 PHARMACY 205,000 NOTE:- TAX CLEARANCE OF N10,000 EACH IS ALSO MANDATORY ON ALL FRESHERS IN OGUN STATE TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IRRESPECTIVE OF INDEGENES OR NON INDEGENES It is absurd logic to conclude that simply because in certain places some prodigal son could not accomplish a progressive education program, therefore the programme must be unrealistic. Presently, Ogun State Tertiary institutions tuition fees are outrageous , we can’t keep mute pretending all is well. Verily, all Man has a price but not all Man is for sale, any Nigerian government that doesn’t preach, pursue and prosecute free education at all level will always be regarded as Nigerian ’students number one enemy because free education at all level is the only remedy to the orientational confusion which our country is currently engulfed in. If is highly sympathetic that those who benefited from Awo’s free education are infringing pain on us today to afford quantitative education against the wish of democracy. OUR STAND On behalf of the teeming 350000 tertiary institution students of ogun state; We seized this medium to call the attention of the State government to please FULFIL THEIR LONG TIME PLEDGE OF 50% REDUCTION IN TUITION FEES AS ONCE DECLARED BY HIS EXCELLENCY SENATOR IBIKUNLE AMOSUN FCA We also give a final warning note to all Administrators of Ogun state tertiary institution (VCs RECTORS, PROVOST etc) who have implemented callous policies eg penalty on late payment, migration of full time student to part time, etc to infringe pains and agonies on the sons and daughters of the needy, if they didn’t desist from such act, our leadership won’t hesitate to stage mother of all protest in such institution. Our leadership frowned at payment of tax of N10,000 by the students because we are yet to start working nor do we earn salaries as a students, even for the past 3years bursary in ogun state tertiary institution hasnt been stable, in an institution of over 7000 indegenes of Ogun state it is so ridiculous that only 45 students were handpicked for bursary. We don’t know when payment of bursary as turn to sampling techniques research The brilliant ones among our students should be encouraged and motivated by scholarship scheme, more so ever first class products of our tertiary institution should be given automatic employment just has it was done in the previous administration in ogun state “EDUCATION IS OUR RIGHT” EDUCATION MUST BE FREE” Yours in struggle FALOLA A.O Bb: 288c8410 07086227222 NANS CHAIRMAN OGUN STATE
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 08:31:40 +0000

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