BELIEVERS AND THEIR TONGUE By the grace of the Lord Jesus - TopicsExpress


BELIEVERS AND THEIR TONGUE By the grace of the Lord Jesus and by the power in His blood, I wish you all a merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Connecting to you still at the retreat at C.R.M INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE Mgbirichi as it will end on the 26th night. Once more, Happy Christmas. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!!!. The tongue is a small member of the body but yet it is the greatest. It can kill, it can keep alive, it can make one useless and it can also save one. Watch your tongue. A sister in a church in one pentecostal and Holiness church, well known for righteousness, went to the church and gave the prayer warriors of that church some prayer requests of her present situations. Some of the members of the prayer warriors after praying, went to the villages spread the news of the prayer requests given to them by the woman. Hmmmm, they couldnt bridle their tongue. The tongue can kill. In the world today, you can hardly dictate a Believer from an unbeliever. Why? It is because, some brethren have used their tongue for evil conversations. A sister refused to give a testimony of what God did for her because some so-called children of God will also make caricature of her in the public. Hmmm, the tongue. Before now, we thought that sisters talk more than brothers, but I have come to discover that brothers can now say what they aught not to say. When a brother falls from the faith, instead of restoring him, they begin to criticize, saying what they aught not to say. This tongue have pursued some from the faith, it has rendered some families apart, it has turned some christians to become unbelievers. Tongue, a small but mighty organ of the body. But if l may ask, you as a believer, criticizing, gossiping, saying the things you aught not to say, what will be your reward? Think twice. Bridle and control your tongue and bring it into subjection. As we go forth to celebration this Christmas, bridle your tongue and it shall be well with you.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 22:25:52 +0000

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