BELIEVER’S IDENTITY MEMORIZE: Take my yoke upon you, and - TopicsExpress


BELIEVER’S IDENTITY MEMORIZE: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for i am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Matthew 11:29 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 8-11 What is an identity? According to Merriam Webster dictionary, identity is the qualities, beliefs, etc, that makes a particular person or group different from others. There are a growing number of confused people in the world today. They are A, either by profession or calling, but they present themselves or appear as B. Many a time, these people wonder why people don’t understand them or take them serious. Identity is what makes a doctor different from a lawyer and a lawyer different from a sports person. There are certain things that are peculiar to all medical doctors all over the world. These things cannot be faked. Also there are certain things that are peculiar to lawyers all over the world. The moment you see those things, you know the fellow is a lawyer, without him opening his mouth to tell you about his profession. Let’s look at three things that differentiate people within a particular ‘profession or calling’ from other professions. The first thing is their language. There is a universal language spoken by people of the medical profession. The doctor from Cambodia, and the one from Nicaragua, speaks the same medical language. They use the same terms and expressions. The same thing with lawyers, a solicitor from Pakistan and the one from Mozambique speak the same legal language. They all talk of case laws, precedents, etc. The second thing is their appearance. Lawyers, all over world, dress the same way. Their uniform is a black suit and a white shirt. From time to time, depending on the nature of the case, they wear a red tie. Doctors, on the other hand, dress differently. Unlike lawyers who appear formal at times i.e. in suits, doctors opt for shirt and trouser. They strive to look formal and casual at the same time. Since they walk a lot – going from ward to ward - they wear light shoes. The third is their nature. Lawyers by default ask a lot of questions. They are confident and can be confrontational if need be. Doctors are not, they have a caring personality. These three things – language, appearance and nature – differentiate believers from people of other faiths. They differentiate a real child of God from others. The language of a child of God in UK and the one in Iraq is the same. According to Colossians 4:6, their speech is always with grace and seasoned with salt. You will never hear a child of God use a swear word, no matter how much he or she is provoked. Even in their conversations they are holy (1 Peter 1:15). There are some words you will never hear from them. Their appearance is also different from those of the world. According to 1 Peter 3:4, they esteem inner beauty above outward beauty. People who are beautiful inwardly do not need to expose any part of their body to look beautiful outwardly. Children of God have a distinct nature. A child of God in Bangladesh has the same meek nature with a child of God in Ghana. Matthew 11:29 says, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for i am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” A real child of God has a calm nature not an aggressive one. They are not touchy, petty or easily provoked. QUESTION: Is your lifestyle encouraging people to come to Christ or driving them away? ACTION: Ask the Lord to sanctify you today. twitter@BroOluwatoki Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 17:16:59 +0000

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