BELIEVING IN GOD’S EXISTENCE An article by kailash ch - TopicsExpress


BELIEVING IN GOD’S EXISTENCE An article by kailash ch Sabat-7207884783 If no big incidence happens, truth never comes out. May be lives and property bring out the spiritual position prevailing in India.If at the cost of my life, betterment of India will be there ,it is nothing surprising to loose that life as many people loose their lives in the course of our livelihood.So Lord kedareshwar may have a very honest intention behind such a multi dimensional disaster.We regret not for a natural disaster but lukewarm response by Govt after 4 days.I astonish how such a Govt can take prompt action in case of a war.By the time we get up,think ,gather and decide half of our territory will be in enemy hands.If two helicopters by each state (30*2) 60 helicopters ,army 40 helicopters ,100 choppers with parachute ,mobile food would have been a great relaxation ,I imagine. Today Hon Tiwariji told that • Uttarakhand incident is a kudarat made unfortunate disaster • It is high time to help and not to blame each other. Sir, in my previous writings I always made it clear that if Shushmna (Kundalini) or serpent power is developed in a yogi, it may cause rain or heavy rain.This is clear in the book THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI BY SWAMY YOGANAND. For that reason I always emphasize that justice and transparent administration may be attained only when you follow and admit spiritualism of yoga and implement it in curriculum for a yoga conscious democracy. Once in 1996 I felt strongly that due to my concentration, contemplation and spiritual movement rain caused, there after what I was unable to do and no body believes that also. Technology is never believed unless experienced. Say 100 years before a mobile phone attached and hided with a mouth in a nearby but unseen place could have been claimed a god’s voice which is not true.So technology has touched the new heights and the people of this country are very ignorant of this problem which I consider yoga can take care of. Because how do you think the real welfare is achieved in a democratic welfare state where we never legitimately allowed in our schools to know what soul inhibit in our body, the true nature and it’s power and our duty toward that. Can the materiality give us true knowledge is a big question????? Like there are good forces exist misguiding forces are also there.So application of such energies cannot be denied and certainly should have to be looked in to. Today Hon P Chidambaram told before a press conference .on coal import and also on economic topics.I am not a big scholar and even have been meticulously and very cruelly denied a job for my livelihood. But I think we should see the facts from the right angle to verify the data. His assumptions 1. Basics of Economics are that No profit no investment 2. If there is no investment there is no development 3. Cost ultimately goes in to a product. 4. Not to panic for dollar $ fluctuations. I have seen that a flat in side the city costs Rs 2.00 cr and a similar flat at a distance of 20 kms is Rs10.00 lakhs.This is not a genuine cost factor with in a short distance of 20 kms. Manipulation, Hoarding, illusory demand and land price which can be monitored and controlled by the Govt as a sincere duty has to be made. Due to our faulty economic policy we are misguiding Indian people in this account. 10 years back average salary was Rs100000 and now Rs.200000 {100% increase} where as 10 years back a hose was Rs 2.00 lakhs and now Rs 20.00 lakhs (500% increase) The effect being 1. For well to do customers loss of welfare by 400% 2. For poor people unacceptable injustice Two months back our External debt was (Rs 376.3*100*54)=Rs 2032020 crs and now due to fluctuations it has been (Rs 2257800 crs)(Rs 376.3*60*100) A net loss of Rs 225780 crs .Yes, Indian people never bother about what is the external debt. Because that does not go from their pocket directly. But the MNC and Indian companies are putting that excess payment in to the consumer product that ultimately we purchase.That is why a Neosporin ointment of welcome group was Rs12 few rears back is now Rs 45.00 Perhaps Hon.Fin minister does not have the true idea of what goes to a common man ,even though god shows the sufferings of people through disasters so the issues come out openly and our big people understand this.For daily wagers it is simply a worst Afganisthan or pakisthan or A war devastated Iraq.We must understand this categorically. An article by kailash
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 15:10:15 +0000

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