BELOVED, LET ME PROPHESY INTO YOUR OCTOBER [SMILE]. This is the 10th month of the year and as such it bears great significance to the kingdom of God. The beginning of a thing is always important, for it is the foundation, and as such it must be set right for the rest to flow well. This month the enemy will seek to do everything to bring the people of God down. Battles will be fiercer, blood, fire and vapor of smoke in the realm of the spirit; A MONTH TO WAGE WAR AGAINST THE ENEMY. There will be many adjustments as the earth responds to the things that are going on in the spirit world. This is not a month to sleep or to be found among the ‘wonderers’ of what is going on. THIS IS A MONTH TO LIFT UP YOUR SWORD; IT IS A MONTH TO BE VERY ALERT, IT IS A MONTH TO STAY IN THE PRESENCE OF THE FATHER, IN THE SECRET PLACE OF HIS PAVILION; IT IS A MONTH TO HIDE YOURSELF IN THE PRAYER CHAMBER until the indignation is past, for Jehovah shall soon come out of His temple to punish the evildoers in the world. Many people are cosy and counting everything rosy, but such kind are the ones who will come under sudden destruction. WATCH AND PRAY! You see, you must understand that after 10 comes the judgment, this is why you must be very vigilant. Vigilant means to keep watch. The Lord Jesus spoke to His disciples and said ‘WATCH AND PRAY’; not that they should just pray but also WATCH. That means keep vigil, do not be quick to sleep, lazy to wake up, and disengaged from the presence of the Father. After 10 plagues Egypt was destroyed; after 10 tests in the wilderness Israel was disqualified; there are 10 commandments, which represent 10 key requirements of God from men; there are 10 patriarchs from Adam to Noah, after which God destroyed the world in the flood. 10 is not a cheap number; it is the number of nothing missing, nothing broken, and also is also the number of perfection of divine order. IT SYMBOLIZES A DEPARTURE FROM ONE AGE INTO ANOTHER AGE, IT IS A NUMBER OF TRANSITION; IT IS A NUMBER THAT REPRESENTS INCUBATION FOR A NEW DISPENSATION; IT IS A PERIOD OF WAITING, BUT NOT FOR WAITING PASSIVELY, BUT BEING ACTIVE, YEA VERY ACTIVE IN IT. This is because after 10 the lines may not fall in the pleasant places for you; you cannot waste the 10th month. This 10th month the sword of the Lord will be hanging over the nations, as He comes to reckon with the earth and with those who dwell in it. Things will begin to happen on earth as a warning of impending judgment. I saw His face the other day (the Lord Jesus), and He was very stern-looking concerning the things which are happening on earth. It is a month when the Devil will begin to make claims from the people of God [trying to stop them, if he can]. YES, AND IN OCTOBER GOD WILL BEGIN TO BRING COMPLETE PERFECTION OF ORDER IN THE LIVES OF HIS PEOPLE, AND HE WILL RAISE MANY TO THE PLACE OF NOTHING MISSING, NOTHING BROKEN, AND HE WILL BRING MANY FROM THE CAPTIVITY THAT THE DEVIL HAS HELD THEM INTO FOR SO LONG A TIME, BUT ALSO IT WILL MARK A TIME WHEN GOD WILL BEGIN TO SEPARATE THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAFF. Child of God, this month is your open door to the future; what you do with it will determine how your 2013 will end and how your 2014 will begin. In this thin sliver of time, God will be issuing the opportunity to change the divine mind [through prayer] concerning His coming judgments to individuals, families, cities and nations. Suddenly, you will witness the enemies of God and of the church being ‘finished off’. The Devil will not be able to prevail against the Church, for now the true remnant shall arise, new vessels will be called to the front; rebellious vessels will come under intense divine heat of judgment; what can burn will burn and what cannot will survive. God will allow fire to try His people; the TRUE CHURCH will begin to appear in this hour. Child of God, in October, two cries shall emerge: there will be a cry of victory over God’s enemies [and you now begin to prepare to witness the downfall of what has been holding the generations of your family back, for they shall come down with a resounding fall], but there will also be a cry of pain [the camp of your enemies are about to wail at their loss as God will begin to renew and rebuild the foundations of His people. PREPARE YOURSELF FOR A DIVINE FLIP OF THE COIN AS THE FATHER ESTABLISHES THE DIVINE COVENANT WITH YOU, TO DO YOU GOOD FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. There will be an ushering into a period of DIVINE REST in this month, ah HALLELUJAH!!! BY THE GRACE ON MY LIFE, I DECREE THIS OCTOBER MUST FAVOR YOU BELOVED IN JESUS NAME; I COMMAND THE ELEMENTS OF THE EARTH [WIND, WATER, FIRE, EARTH, STARS, PLANETS, CONSTELLATIONS, SUN AND MOON] TO CO-OPERATE WITH YOU IN THIS MONTH; I COMMAND FLESH AND SPIRIT TO COOPERATE WITH YOUR LIFE AND DESTINY IN JESUS NAME; I DECREE THIS MONTH SHALL NOT SWALLOW YOUR GOOD BUT IT MUST DELIVER TO YOU WHAT HAS BEEN LOCKED FROM YOUR LIFE SINCE JANUARY; I UNLOCK THE GATES AND DOORS OF THIS MONTH IN YOUR LIFE, IN THIS MONTH YOUR DESTINY MUST SHINE AMONG MEN; I CANCEL EVERY DIABOLICAL ASSIGNMENT TO YOUR LIFE AND DESTINY BY THE POWER IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS; ANY MAN OR WOMAN WHO MUST REAP YOUR LIFE, MAY THEIR LIFE GO INSTEAD [GOD HAS SAID I WILL GIVE YOUR ENEMIES FOR YOUR LIFE, YOU ARE TOO IMPORTANT TO GO AT THE GAIN OF YOUR ENEMIES – YOU WILL LIVE!] I BLESS YOUR OCTOBER TO BE GREAT IN JESUS NAME; I RELEASE TO YOU THE GRACE TO WATCH AND PRAY, C’MON, RECEIVE IT ALL IN JESUS NAME AND SHOUT A MAJOR AMEN!!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 08:49:02 +0000

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