BELOVED, THE WORD OF GOD SAYS IN NAHUM 1:9 ‘…HE WILL MAKE AN UTTER END; AFFLICTION SHALL NOT RISE A SECOND TIME’. There are some battles which many of you have been struggling with, which though every time you prayed you thought it is over, yet the Devil has continually resurrected it in your life. You came close to getting married, but never made it and started again; now the same battle has resumed. They fired you unceremoniously from your first job, you thought it is over when you arrived at your new place of work, but now Satan is trying the same thing again; you find out that the same sickness that the Devil used to kill your previous generations, is the same one that is now looking for you. Still for others, the sin which you once thought you have conquered is the same one that is now threatening to bring you down. For the greater portion of humanity, it is the same problems that keep on tracking us down. Why does this happen? There is only one time when affliction can rise a second time, and that is when it was not conclusively dealt with the last time. When God wants to make sure His enemies will never rise again, He will utterly wipe them off from the face of the earth. This way, they can never regroup and attack His people. When the armies of Egypt were cut off at the Red Sea, it became the end of Egyptian aggression against Israel. It is dangerous for you beloved that when God tells you to vigorously pray and fast to finish off your enemies but you simply become casual with them. The reason why the Amalekites kept on fighting Israel from generation to generation is because they never quite cut them off, until God arose and required it of Saul. But still, he [Saul] did not do as was expected of him, and that became his downfall. It is a dangerous thing that when God thrusts out your enemies before you for destruction, you decide to spare them alive. I will say it again: It is a danger to leave an enemy half-dead. Some of those enemies have sworn to first die before they let you live, so if you do not cut them off, you will be the first to go. The King of Israel was commanded to take arrows and prophetically strike the ground as a symbol of the victory he wanted over Arameans, but he only struck it a few times. Therefore the prophet Elisha, being very angry at him, told him, ‘You will only defeat Aram three times’. This is the problem of lazy praying. You let your enemy see that you have the power to destroy him, but you do not actually do it; they will rise up to finish you themselves. Make no mistake about it: the earth is a battleground with Satan always seeking to eliminate us. This is why you must be vigorous in your prayers. If you do not do so, the same power that defeated your parents will defeat you. I also want you to know that, in every family, the battles of the parents always turn out to be the battle of the children, unless they are totally cut off. I ask you to take a careful look and investigate the battles which your parents have been fighting: are they the same ones which you are fighting? And, secondly have you made any attempts to deal with them? Not doing so is the reason why affliction rises a second time. If they fought with sicknesses, you can be sure that sicknesses will be looking for you. If they fought marital distress, or single-parenthood, be sure that the same will be looking for you. If they fought poverty, then be sure that poverty will want to also bring you down. BECAUSE ENEMIES ARE NOT FINISHED OFF, THE BATTLES OF THE FORMER GENERATION ALWAYS BECOME THE BATTLES OF THE SUCCESSIVE ONES. But if you cut them off now, you will spare your children from having to deal with what you never dealt with. As a child of God, you must be aggressive in your prayers. Some people like praying ‘posh prayers’. These are ‘nice’ prayers which will get you nowhere. They will simply hit the roof and come back to you because your enemies are much more powerful for that kind of prayers. For some of you, if you started praying very seriously, you will immediately begin to see some people go down as you also begin to rise up higher. The reason for this is that the power that is fighting you is resident in them: they are the stronghold of the strongman. Serious prayer is the only way you will ensure the previous battles of your life and generations do not rise again. You cannot simply be content with dealing with the branches and stems of your problems; ah, but they will rise again! That is why you must go to the root of the matter, for only then will you have rest. BY THE ANOINTING ON MY LIFE, I RELEASE THE DIVINE AXE OF FIRE AT ROOT OF THE AFFLICTIONS IN YOUR LIFE, LET THEM BE CUT DOWN; I COMMAND EVERY POWER THAT WANTS TO FINISH YOU OFF TO RECEIVE THE BAPTISM OF FIRE AND PERISH; I COMMAND THE INHERITED AFFLICTIONS IN YOUR FAMILY TO DIE OUT OF YOUR LIFE; LET THE OWNER OF THE EVIL LOAD IN YOUR LIFE CARRY THEIR OWN LOAD AND DISAPPEAR BY FIRE! HEY, I DECREE YOUR DESTINY IS UNSTOPPABLE; RECEIVE YOUR TOTAL FREEDOM TODAY, IN JESUS NAME!!!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 05:46:00 +0000

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