BELOVEDS, AS WE APPROACH THE SUMMER SOLSTICE of 2013, AT THIS MIRACULOUS TIME OF 2 GRAND TRINES, AND OUR SUN STAR ALIGNING WITH THE GALACTIC CENTER, PLEASE ACCEPT THIS REPOST OF A PRAYER TO THE DIVINE COSMIC MOTHER. WE COLLECTIVELY OFFER PRAYERS & MEDITATIONS FROM AROUND THE WORLD, FOR ABUNDANCE IN ALL MANIFESTIONS OF GOODNESS, for SACRED VICTORY, HEALING, PEACE, LOVE & LIGHT TO PREVAIL in ALL REALMS OF EARTH MOTHER, THE BELOVED TERRESTRIAL REALMS SKY FATHER & THE BELOVED TERRESTRIAL REALMS……. (Divine Prayer from The Academy of Future Science with our devout gratitude for allowing us to share) O Divine Mother known as: ‘IMMA (Hebrew ‘Mother’) or DURGA (Sanskrit ‘Mother’) or SEKHMET (EGYPTIAN) by the ancients, Allow us to send your Loving Peaceful energies to guide the hearts and minds of all those in this all areas of turmoil, to find your Comfort and Joy. Bring forth your ‘mothering nature’ and show compassion and reconciliation to all those who are suffering, or are in need of finding your greater Peace. In all critical areas of our planet, that we think of or envision now, may there be a true transformation into Oneness and Harmony with all others, as we visualize the Unity of Humanity & all life forms Above, Below, Within, Without & Upon Mother Earth. May the Oneness that represents the Divine within our hearts, grant others in all areas of the world to also know your Grace and Serenity, O Infinite One. Let us all recognize the long-suffering that you represent and help each of us to do the same, to put forth the same, for those around us, so that we avoid the clash of civilizations with each other and within the planet, and all other systems surrounding us. Allow each man, woman & child to feel the subtle inner nature & Divine Energies of your Love and Wisdom in their Home & in their Hearts. Allow each person living in all realms of existence, to recognize how we are all ONE CONSCIOUSNESS– one physical Being, having the protection & guidance of Archangel Michael and ALL the Sacred Beings of LIGHT & LOVE. Allow the Harmony and Love that we send forth to them right now, be the new ‘Foundation’ upon which we build with them, ALL LIFE and ALL the Heavenly Hosts, build a greater Matrix of the Tree of Life. May the Wisdom of The Sacred Tree of Life, Teach Life that reside in ALL WORLDS, that we are part of one another, that when one of us suffers we all suffer, when one of us is joyous, that joy sparks like a flame of Hope and kindles the sacred Flame of Love, Light & Life for ALL! Bless all humanity & life in all forms of existence, Divine Father, Divine Mother, Eternal Spirit, Help us all to overcome the illusion of individuality & confusion of our EGO Consciousness to see, feel & BE the Collective Oneness. And no matter how difficult the situations of planetary life help us to comprehend the importance of the Tree of Life, the sacredness of the emanations from which we all came. May all nations and all people experience Your healing energies in planetary balance and harmony, in accord with Your Divine Laws & the Universal Law of The ONE. May we now visualize the energy vectors of the Earth, shift on all levels of Existence & Non-Existence, into a New Paradigm of Greater Peace, Compassion, Healing, Abundance, Tolerance and Love. BE ONE IN PEACE, LIGHT, LOVE & JOY BELOVEDS! ALL ARE ONE & ONE IS ALL! ADONAI, ADONAI, ADONAI!!!! (original copyright (c) 2007 The Academy For Future Science All rights reserved.)
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 20:58:18 +0000

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