BELOW HERE IS WHAT DAVID VAN WYK WROTE ABOUT SOBUKWE, BIKO & FANON. FURTHER DOWN IS WHAT I WROTE IN RESPONSE: DAVID VAN WYK ON SOBUKWE Robert Sobuke remainsfor me one of the leading lights in Africanism: Sobukwes antagonism to multi-racialism – as opposed to non-racialism – and his Africanist philosophy came directly out of his appreciation of the absurdity of race as a real thing. He set out this view in a famous speech in 1959: The structure of the body of man provides evidence to prove the biological unity of the human species. All scientists agree that there is no race that is superior to another, and there is no race that is inferior to others. The Africanists take the view that there is only one race to which we all belong, and that is the human race. In our vocabulary therefore, the word race, as applied to man, has no plural form. He continued: Against multi-racialism we have this objection, that the history of South Africa has fostered group prejudices and antagonisms, and if we have to maintain the same group exclusiveness, parading under the term of multi-racialism, we shall be transporting to the new Africa these very antagonisms and conflicts. Further, multi-racialism is in fact a pandering to European bigotry and arrogance. It is a method of safeguarding white interests, implying as it does, proportional representation irrespective of population figures. In that sense it is a complete negation of democracy. Read more: mediaclubsouthafrica/land-and-people/97-twenty-years-of-freedom/3725-robert-sobukwe-south-africa-s-non-racial-africanist#ixzz3MQjLeAVq Robert Sobukwe: South Africas non-racial Africanist mediaclubsouthafrica DAVID VAN WYK ON BIKO Following on Sobukwe we have Bantu Biko, again a visionary by the standards of todays politics. Here is is take on the issue of race and the future of our country note that he connects racial discrimination and exploitation highlighting the economic base of racial discrimination: Bongani Mahlangu: But wouldn’t that be discrimination against the minority? Bantu Biko: We do reject all forms of racism and discrimination. We are calling for a united and democratic South Africa, and an anti-racist society. We also believe that in our country there shall be no minority, there shall be no majority. Just People. Bongani Mahlangu: How does South Africa then solve this problem? Bantu Biko: If South Africa is to be a land where Black and White live in harmony without fear of group exploitation, it is only when these two opposites have interplayed and produced a viable synthesis of ideas and Modus Vivendi. We can never wage any struggle without offering a strong counterpoint to the white racism that permeates our society so effectively.news24/…/Interviewing-Bantu-Biko-Extracts-fr… News24, South Africas premier news source, provides breaking news on national, world, Africa,... news24 DAVID VAN WYK ON FANON To what end do we struggle? We have seen that both Sobukwe and Biko suggest that we struggle for a post racial society in which we realise our common humanity, a society that no longer recognises race and has moved beyond class.. Fanon shares this vision with Césaire, and Senghor: For Césaire, í Senghor says, the white man is the symbol of capital as the Negro is that of labor. . . . Beyond the black-skinned men of his race it is the battle of the world proletariat that is his song. // That is easy to say. But less easy to think out. And undoubtedly it is no coincidence that the most ardent poets of negritude are at the same time militant Marxists. // But that does not prevent the idea of race mingling with that of class: . . . negritude appears as the minor term of a dialectical progression: The theoretical and practical assertion of the supremacy of the white man is its thesis; the position of negritude as an antithetical value is the moment of negativity. But this negative moment is insufficient by itself, and the Negroes who employ it know this very well; they know that it is intended to prepare the synthesis of realization of the human in a society without races [emphasis added]. Thus negritude is the root of its own destruction, it is a transition and not a conclusion, a means and not an ultimate end. [quoted by Fanon from Sartre, Orphée Noir, préface to Anthologie de la nouvelle poésie nègre et malgache (Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 19480, pp. xl ff.] (133 MY RESPONSE TO WHAT DAVID VAN WYK POSTED ABOVE All Whites in Afrika without exception are European Settlers. It is bad enough that supposed Afrikan Liberation Movements like the ANC and the EFF are feeding us all this Eurocentric Multi/Non-Racial Marxist-Leninist Charterist Crap. While having European Settlers as members & leaders of these Movements that are aimed at eradicating Capitalism instead of Colonisation. ALL OF WHICH SERVERELY COMPROMISES AFRIKAN MOVEMENTS. And that is fine it is the choice of those silly Afrikan Liberation Movements. HOWEVER IT IS HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE & INSENSETIVE OF ANY EUROPEAN SETTLER TO MAKE ANY PRONOUNCEMENTS ON BLACK CONSCIOUSNESS, PAN AFRIKANISM & AFRO PESS. QOUTING SOBUKWE, BIKO, FANON & OTHER BC+PA+AP GREATS IN THE PROCESS TO JUSTIFY NON-RACIALISM, MARXIST-LENINISM IN THE STRUGGLE TO LIBERATE AFRIKA. ALL THAT MAY BE ACCEPTABLE TO THE SELL OUT BLACK MANAGERS COLONISATION THE ANC & THEIR FELLOW AFRIKAN AGENTS OF COLONISATION THE EFF. HOWEVER THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO PLACE FOR EUROPEAN SETTLERS, EUROCENTRIC IDEOLOGIES AND EUROPEAN SETTLER INTERPRETATION OF BC+PA+AP IN THE REAL AFRIKAN REVOLUTION TO ERADICATE COLONISATION. EUROPEAN SETTLERS MUST STICK TO THEIR EUROCENTRIC MARXIST-LENINISM, PARTICIPATION IN THE ANC & EFF AND NOT EVEN ATTEMPT TO TELL US BLACKS ABOUT OUR BLACKNESS.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:22:23 +0000

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