BENEFICIAL STATEMENT FROM THE EXPLANATION OF SHAYKH MAZNIY STATEMENT.....#PAGE_3 ***INFO TO THE READER*** pls, u are to search for PAGE 1&2 of this writeup and read @ my timeline or this group, for u to understand what we are talking about, if not..u may not understand. CONTINUE...FRM LAST POINT ON PAGE 2..... Allah said: Do they av partners(with me), that legislate into the religion for them, whc av not ordered by Allah (42:21)...... Thats why IMAM SHATIBIY(rohimahullah) said: innovation is againsting the legislator(Allah), just becos innovator as seeing himself to attarch to sharah, he didnt see himself to satisfy with what the sharah av legislated, just becos #all_innoavtion, even if its #small, its is #tashrew (legislation), either increasing or dicressing of whats in the sharah or changing the authentical foundation (intisam page 315) thats why shaykh solih al utheymein(rohimahullah) said also that what is also known to be SHIRK IS all ibaadah(any form of worship), that Allah do not command(to use for worship), all who is now worshiping with any forms of worship that Allah do not legislate.. that person is a #MUSHIRK, just becos he follows hes desire.....shaykh now brought the ayah below in (quran 42:21).....(check sharhu iqtidaahi siraati li mustaqeem 322) with this, the statement of scholars useally said bidah has more evil than sin shud be understand Thats why is a missguardance for those that are saying that bidah has the same ukmu with sin lyk fournication.... This is chaging of judgement of Allah.. Bidah may be divided into mukaffiro and muffasiko as some scholars(rohimahumllah) do divide it....but all agree that its foundation #aslu of #bidah is #KUFR/SHIRK......laashakka fiy SHAYKH IBN TEYMIYYAH(rohimahullah) said: who eva calls others beside Allah, he has make shirk, but who eva is calling him with what is not legislated, that person have perform bidah(innovation).... BIDAH IS SHIRK..innovator will turn to shirk(mushirk), u wunt found any innovator excpt u found in him a forms of shirk (sharhu iqtidaahi siraati li mustaqeem 531).. Shaykh utheymin comments on this ibn taymiyyah satement: shirk of mubtad(innovator) is two, one with hululiyyah and one is with rubibiyyah, that of the rubibiyyah just becos innovator legislate, he has seen himself to legislate into the religion(the same book and page) thats what shaykh mazniy is trying to say in his statement that bidah will makes one to get out from the people of kiblah(muslim)..just becos its a straight gate to kufr and shirk... He(rohimahullah) continue.... ﻭﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﺪﻳﻦ ﻣﺎﺭﻗﺎ، translatn: he get out of the religion yani.....innovator will get out the religion with his innovation, this word of shaykh almazniy has prove from the book and sunnah also is aqeedah of ahlusunnah waljamah... The prophet said about the khawarij: one of u will disgrade his solaat in view of their solaat, his fasting in view of their fastin, his recitation in view of there recitation; they will recite a quran but it will not go beyond their throats, they will get out of islam (apostate) as an arrow get out from its cartapot(sohih muslim).... In this hadith, the prophet rules the first innovator group to be kufaar. Also inform that all there gud deeds will be destroy. That why scholars acpted that bidah destroy all gud deeds. Thats why Imam hassan al basree(rohimohulah ) said: Allah will not accept from an innovator his solat,fastin,sp endin,strivin and others (kitaabul bidai of al qurtoobee 7). shaykh yusuf alfirkiy(rohimahullah) said desame: go and know my brother that Allah will neva acpt any worship with bidah(from mubtad).. Allah will not accept his salat his fasting, his hajj and other... #That_bidah #will_take #the_Person #out_of_the_religion (aniwahurahmaniyyah li idayat firqotun tijaniyyah pg 6)...... With this u will understand that the statement innovation takes one out of islam, or bidah is kufr and also bidah distroy gud deeds is statemnt of our salaf that has prv from the book and not statement of khawarij or hadadiyyah ya akhee fi llah, with this u will understand the gravity of bidah that people are playin with also u will understand why we ahlu sunnah are very hash about warning from innovation and its people thats why most of our salaf useally warn their children from an innovator...even some we said my son shud meet Allah with all sins is prefered to meet Allah with an innovation its becos, they know the gravity of bidah...that is evil than the greather sin.... The prophet said kullu bidahtin dolaallah wa qullu dolaallahtin fi naar (muslim) All innovation is misguidance and all misguidance is in hell fire this hadith is making ur to know that all innovation is misguidance, the word kullu mean evry thing totally....this a refute to those that acpted that there is bidahtun hassannah.... To be continue in page 4...
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 00:33:10 +0000

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