BENEFITS OF THE FIRST TEN (10) DAYS OF ZUL-HIJJAH Lets check on - TopicsExpress


BENEFITS OF THE FIRST TEN (10) DAYS OF ZUL-HIJJAH Lets check on the benefits of the first 10 days of Zul Hijjah according to the noble Prophet (SAW) Day 1: It was on this day that Allah forgave Prophet Adam (AS) who ate from the apple of the garden of paradise. Whoever fast on this day, he shall be forgiving all his sins. Day 2: It was on this day that Prophet Yunus (AS) was retrieved safely from the caption of fish. Whoever fast on this day, shall be rewarded with the worship of a full one year. A year free of sin and full of Allahs devotion. Day 3: It was on this day that Prophet Zakariyya (AS) was relieved of his ailment. Whoever fast on this day, whatever you request on that day shall be answered. Day 4: It was on this day Prophet Isah (Jesus Christ AS) was given birth to. Whoever fast on this day, shall be freed from all difficulties of this life and no calamity shall befall him beyond his capability. He shall be resurrected among the righteous servants of Allah on the day of resurrection. Day 5: It was on this day Prophet Musa (AS) was born. Whoever fast on this day shall be cleansed and termed free of hypocrisy. Day 6: It was on this day that Allah opens the gate of endless bounty for Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Whoever fast on this day shall embrace the endless Mercy of Allah. Whoever is blessed with Allahs Mercy, never will he encounter the Wrath of Allah again in his life endeavors. Day 7: It is on this day that Allah Closes the gate of hell fire. The gate will not be opened until after the tenth day of the month. Whoever fast on this day shall be abstained from thirty (30) major different calamities and blessed with thirty (30) major different Favours from Allah. Day 8: Its a day for dream interpretation. A day in which dreams dont come ordinarily without a meaning. Whoever fast on this day shall be rewarded benevolently so much so that no one knows its limitation except the Provider, Allah. Day 9: This is the day of Arafat. Whoever fast on this day shall have his two (2) years sins forgiven. A year that precedes Arafat and a year after. It was on this day that the verse in which some claimed is the last verse of the holy Quran was revealed; Alyauma akmaltu lakum deenakum wa atmamtu alaikum neemati waradeetu lakumul islaama deena...; On this day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion... (Q5:3) Reported by Seida Aisha (RA), The Prophet (SAW) said there is no such day as comparable to the day of Arafat as regards how Allah use to bestow His Rahma upon the people of Hell fire. Seida asked On this day what should be our sayings? He said; The best of what to be said, the best of what I have said, the best of what the Prophets before me has said is no other but La ilaaha illa Allah (Nothing is worthy of worship except Allah). May Allah make it easy for us to chant in much number. Aameen. Day 10: This is the day of Eid, Eidil Adha (Eidil Kabir). This is the day on which sacrifice is made. Animals to be use must be a four legged animal e.g Ram, sheep, hi-goat, goat, camel, cow etc. There are various categories of the kind of animals to use as sacrifice. Animals to be use must be a four legged animal e.g Ram, sheep, hi-goat, goat, camel, cow etc. Ram is the top ranked followed by sheep then Hi-goat, then goat, then camel and then cow. Whoever fast to the eid prayer on this day will be rewarded with a six (6) months fasting. Whoever sacrifice on this day, just as he performs the slaughtering, the first drop of blood that touches the ground mark the forgiveness of his sins and that of all his households. Whoever gives out a food or anything as a form of charity on this day shall be resurrected in peace-minded without fear. His weight of righteous acts shall be as heavy as that of mount of Uhud. On this day all muslims are expected to fast on the day of eid and break it immediately they return from Eid prayer. However, those on sacrifice are expected to return home first, slaughter their ram before they can break their fast. Contrary to some claim that those doing sacrifice can only break their fast with a particular part of their sacrificial animals, they should break their fast with even a drink of water. It must not necessarily be some portion of their sacrificial meat. Such act has no sunnatic base and thus discarded. The Prophet (SAW) said whoever fast on this day (10th day of Zul Hijjah) and also fast on the first day of Muharram (which is the next month), it shall be recorded for him that he fasted throughout his last year and the next year. 5years of rewards shall be recorded for him. May Allah grant us the blessings of these days. Aameen Source: kitab Bukhtasar and Durratu-ul-Nnaadiheen by Uthman bn Hassan bn Ahmad Shaakir Al-Khaubiy (p280 - 281)
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 23:15:42 +0000

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