BERIBERI ::- Beriberi is a disease in which the body does not - TopicsExpress


BERIBERI ::- Beriberi is a disease in which the body does not have enough thiamine (vitamin B1). Types : 1. Wet beriberi : affects the cardiovascular system. 2. Dry beriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome affect the nervous system. Symptoms of dry beriberi include: -Difficulty walking -Loss of feeling (sensation) in hands and feet -Loss of muscle function or paralysis of the lower legs -Mental confusion/speech difficulties -Pain -Strange eye movements (nystagmus) -Tingling -Vomiting Symptoms of wet beriberi include: -Awakening at night short of breath -Increased heart rate -Shortness of breath with activity -Swelling of the lower legs Exams and Tests : A physical examination may show signs of congestive heart failure, including: 1 Difficulty breathing with neck veins that stick out 2 Enlarged heart 3 Fluid in the lungs 4 Rapid heartbeat 5 Swelling in both lower legs A person with late-stage beriberi may be confused or have memory loss and delusions. The person may be less able to sense vibrations. A neurological exam may show signs of: -Changes in the walk -Coordination problems -Decreased reflexes -Drooping of the eyelids The following tests may be done: -Blood tests to measure the amount of thiamine in the blood -Urine tests to see if thiamine is passing through the urine Treatment : The goal of treatment is to replace the thiamine your body is lacking. This is done with thiamine supplements. Thiamine supplements are given through a shot (injection) or taken by mouth. Other types of vitamins may also be recommended. Blood tests may be done after you are given thiamine supplements to see how well you are responding to the medicine. Possible Complications :: -Coma -Congestive heart failure -Death -Psychosis
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 04:23:16 +0000

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