BEROM CLANNISH AGENDA AGAINST JASAWA UNDER JONAH DEVIL JANG. Before I listen to those canvassing for my vote for GNS Pwajok, I will first of all remind them devastations that causes serious damage to Jasawa community under Jang Administration. Without talking too much on Nov 28, 2008 post elections crises which was planned to rubbish and humiliate us. Series of deliberate policies that could deteriorate our standard of living in Jasawa community were adopted. The Primary Health Care Centre located at Filin was neglected and all medical staff were transferred to a newly constructed clinic at ungwan Rukuba. Only two management staff were left behind and they couldnt give clinical assistance because theyre not medical staff. Now the centre is abundant by Jang clannish agenda because those benefiting are Jasawa. Another serious and worrisome situation is that of restrictions from Abattoir which force Jasawa butchers to slaughter animals in unhygienic locations. The link Murtala Muhammad way and Bauchi road is deliberately block to unable travellers to pass through Jasawa area so as to reduce the economic gain of our people. 8 years of Jang/berom clannish agenda has not focus on any development within our community. Our people living in suburbs area of Jos and Bukuru were expel and totally destroyed both lives and properties. There are some area that we can no longer remember their names. They detested us to the high level, they detrimentally cause serious damage to our living. And they will never recognized us anything other than ordinary settlers. When GNS Pwajok became Senator I thought those who sole our votes to them would plead to them to address some of these issues on ground. But I was told theyre after peanut and penny. This is opinion!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 22:41:09 +0000

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