BEST QUALITIES OF SHRI HANUMANJI :- //// HARI SARVOTHAMA - VAYU JEEVOTHAMA //// Lord Hanuman’s qualities remind us of the power that arises within when we focus all our energies to serve the Divine with pure devotion. Hanuman’s devotion to Lord Rama which is described in the epic,Ramayana, is an example of the devotion a servant has towards his master, or “Dasyabhava” devotion, in which the servant experiences a complete merger with his Master, the Lord. Lord Hanuman’s unsurpassed devotion is the source of his inspiring qualities of humility, selflessness, determination, fearlessness, extraordinary strength, and courage. There is an interesting incident in the Ramayana which illustrates the power of devoted service. When Ravana’s eldest son Indrajit was leading an attack on Lord Rama’s forces, Lord Rama’s commander Jambhavan inspected the scene of devastation and inquired whether Hanuman was safe. He was very relieved to find out that Hanuman was alive. When Jambhavan was asked why he only inquired about the welfare of Hanuman, Jambhavan explained that even if all the other soldiers were lost but Hanuman survived, their side would win the battle; however if everyone else survived but Hanuman died, there would be no hope. The meaning behind this story is that with pure devotion, steadfast determination and the willingness to sacrifice all, one is unstoppable, even in the absence of something which was apparently needed to achieve the goal. In the same way, even with every other advantage, we will fail if we lack the qualities of Hanuman: the purest devotion, an unflagging determination and a spirit of sacrifice. People pray to Lord Hanuman for courage, to gain confidence, to become free of worries and to be protected from bad luck and evil spirits. Wherever the name of Rama is repeated, it is said that Hanuman is there. A shrine to Hanuman is found in every temple of Lord Rama, as worship of Sri Rama is complete only with the worship of Hanuman, the embodiment of selfless service to the Divine. According to legend, Hanuman is the son of the Wind God. Air sustains all living beings. One can exist without food, spend days without water; but it is impossible to exist even for a short time without air. Air is life. Therefore, Hanuman is also called Pranadeva or the God of Life. Hanuman was a master of music. He was also an expert in dance and drama. So, he is worshipped with love and devotion by musicians and actors. He was also a great yogi or mystic. Hanuman was an excellent ambassador. He could easily understand the nature of other people. As soon as he saw Rama and Lakshmana, he realized that they were not deceivers, but noble persons. In soft and pleasing words he asked them who they were, and told them about himself. Rama was very happy when he heard the words of Hanuman. He said to Lakshmana, Did you hear his words? Even an enemy with his sword drawn would be pacified by such words. If a ruler has such a messenger, his efforts will always be successful. Hanuman took Rama and Lakshmana to Sugreeva. He had hopes that these brave young men would make Sugreeva king again. BIRTH OF LORD HANUMANJI ;- Hanuman was born in the Treta Yuga, to Anjana, a female vanara and Kesari, a strong vanara .This birth was planned by the Supreme lord with a perfect idea in the mind. The combination of Vanara and the celestial gave Hanuman strength, divinity and quick wits - his main characteristics. Being Anjanas son, Hanuman is also called Anjaneya, which plainly means arising from Anjana. Hanuman- The Brahmachaari Hanuman remained a Brahmachaari throughout his life, an unmarried, celibate god. He is especially popular with body-builders, who believe that like him, one need to be celibate in order to have a strong body. Hanuman always treated women in the form of Mother and Sister. There are many incidences in the great epic Ramayana where this fact is proved. Lord Hanuman - A Great Disciple Hanuman has intense love for his Lord Rama which can be considered from this instance. Once Hanuman was asked by Sri Rama, How do you consider me?. Hanuman said: Oh Lord, while I identify myself with my body, I am Thy servant. When I consider myself an individual soul, I am Thy part. But when I look upon myself as the spirit, I am one with Thee. This is my firm conviction. Worship of Hanuman Hanuman is worshipped for his strength, agility and valor. The worship of Hanuman, symbolizes the worship of the Supreme Lord, for acquiring knowledge, physical and mental strength, truthfulness, sincerity, self-sacrifice, modesty, loyalty, and profound devotion to the Lord. Sri Hanuman was blessed by Sri Rama with immortality (chiranjeevi). Every temple of Sri Rama contains an idol of Hanuman. Worship of Hanuman is considered mandatory to complete the worship of Lord Rama. The meaning of Hanuman Staavam :- I salute the son of the Wind God (Hanuman), the leader of the monkeys and the messenger of Rama, whose strength in matchless, whose body is like a hill of gold, who burns up the forest of asuras (demons) like a jungle fire, who towers among the spiritually illumined ones, and who is a treasure-house of all virtues. Salutation to the son of the Wind God (Hanuman), who crossed the ocean as if it were a puddle in the hoof-marks of a calf, who squashed the Rakshasas as if they were mosquitoes, and who by his deeds shines like the central gem in the necklace of the Ramayana. I salute the heroic Hanuman, the leader of the monkeys and the son of Anjana, who is the slayer of (Ravan’s son) Akshkumara, who was a terror to the inhabitants of Lanka, and who assuaged the grief of Sita. With palms joined in reverence, I prostrate to the son of Anjana who leaped across the sea as in sport, removing the fire from Sita’s mind and burning Lanka with that very fire. I bow my head to hanuman, the Wind God’s Son, Messenger of Rama, Leader of the Monkey Army, who is fast as the wind and quick as the mind, who is the master of his senses and most distinguished and wise. I meditate on the son of the Wind God and Anjana, whose face is deep red in complexion, whose body is as fascinating as a mountain of gold, and whose favourite resort is the base of the Parijata tree. THANKS FOER SOURCES ;- iloveindia/ manshapuran wikipedia skillsforawakening/teachings/hanuman-chalisa/ FROM COIMBATORE VENKATASUBBARAO RAGHAVENDRARAO //// SHRI KRISHNAARPANAMASTHU ////
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:39:59 +0000

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