BEST WEDDING?? Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) - TopicsExpress


BEST WEDDING?? Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “The most blessed nikah is the one with the least expenses.” [Bayhaqi] Today, the youth of many men and women is destroyed because they cannot afford the lavish weddings that have become the standard. They do not possess, in terms of dowry or mahr, what society says they must give in order to get married. Others get into debt for extravagant wedding functions. Even those who can afford lavish weddings are responsible for the wastage involved, while the money could have been put to so much better use. To make matters worse, the resulting marriage is often not even a successful one. In order to make our weddings more blessed we need to abandon these customs, and on such occasions take a lesson from the simple nikah of Fatima (radi allahu anha) whose dowry was one water-bag and one bed. SubhanAllah just the other day whilst enquiring about rates of photography got to know the photographers are charging 3000$. And I was a little bit disgusted. In my town 2 or 3 poor muslim sisters can get married in that much money. Or in the same money you can distribute food that will last atleast 4 families for an entire year! And photos that we will hardly see two times before chucking them in some closet. This video is so beautiful. I definitely want to have a marriage like Dr. Zakir Naik had. I can only imagine what trauma the parents who have 3 or more girls go through with regards to the expenses of marriage. It has become so pathetic that parents are not getting their girls educated becoz they also have to save for their marriage. The money to be spend for 2 or 5 days takes precedence over education which will last forever. If you are rich try to start marriage with sunnah and with barakah of Allah. Donot doll up and let male photographers see and lust at you before your husband does. Keep it simple. Doing israaf is Haraam in Islam. Every penny you spend will need to be accounted for on the day of judgement. Keep marriage simple. Donot make it extravagant. This short video warmed my heart. Alhumdulillah for Shuyookh who inspire us through their stories. I also remember reading that a Shaykh had his valima in 14$ subhanAllah! WATCH
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 09:21:19 +0000

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