BEST WESTERN RIDING PHOTO-NONSHOW For this contest everyone can - TopicsExpress


BEST WESTERN RIDING PHOTO-NONSHOW For this contest everyone can submit 1 photo of either a photo taken of them by a family member or friend (NO PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS) or a photo you took of someone else (As long as you have their permission)! The rider must be in WESTERN tack and NOT riding in a show or event of any kind! Photos of lessons CAN be entered but if you are dressed in show gear your photo will not be allowed in. BECAUSE many shows allow riders to wear regular clothes, NO BARRELS OR ANY TYPE OF WESTERN GAMES should be shown because anyone could take a show photo and submit it. ROPING photos are only allowed if the cows aren’t real. We just want this contest to be about the pleasure you get riding your horse at home or at your barn! Trial riding photo CAN be used too! The judge will pick photos based on clarity, focused (not fuzzy or blurry) and general scope of the photo. The judge will be looking for the rider and horse that make the best team while having fun outside of the show ring! Horse conformation and riders seat will play a small part in it but mostly looking for the clearest, cleanest photo of a horse and rider team in the “WESTERN” world of riding! Rules are as follows: 1. Everyone can submit only 1 photo. 2. Photos MUST belong to you. If you try to pass off a photo that does not belong to you…or if you take a photo off the internet and try to pass if off as your own, you will be BANNED from the site for good. 3. NO PROFESSIONAL photos. You are allowed to submit photos that have your name on them but if you are a professional photographer, this contest is not from you. 4. MAKE SURE YOU ADD the horses name and breed. Make sure you include all the names of all the horses and their breeds. ***IF you don’t post this I will not be asking you for it as it takes up a lot of time asking and waiting. I will post your photo as “unnamed” and then you can comment the name and I will change the description when I get a chance. 5. To submit just post the photo to my wall or send over private message. 6. The last day to submit photo(s) is on SAT SEPT 28th. The winners will be judged by this month’s sponsor and the winners will be announced on MON SEPT 30TH. 7. Top 3 winners will get a photo edit. 2nd place will be put into a mini contest with the second place winner of the sponsored contest to become our new profile photo. The winning photo will either become our Cover photo for the entire month OR will win the prize donated by our sponsor! 8. If you have any questions please Private Message me! https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.638001102910841.1073741864.344951352215819&type=1&l=0ea67df252
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 20:20:56 +0000

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