****BETRAYAL**** Episode 66 ;) “where are you girls - TopicsExpress


****BETRAYAL**** Episode 66 ;) “where are you girls coming from?” he curiously asked with a smile, “my cousin took us out. You can’t imagine the special treat he gave us” Amara giggled, annoying him with her reply. The smile on his face instantly disappeared, he stared at me for some seconds before facing Amara. “why are you so keen in destroying my relationship with your friend. I know you never liked me, but arn’t you taking the hatred too far by what you are doing?” he asked her angrily. Amara drew back with surprise, shrugged and scoffed. “i don’t understand, please be more specific” she replied and rolled her eyes. I breathed deeply and stepped forward, standing between them. “it’s okay, please let’s go inside, we can’t be discussing such subject on the road” i pleaded to Mike, “it’s late already, i have to get going, moreover i’m boiling inside. Don’t let your friend decieve you” he replied bitterly, turned, entered his car and drove off. I breathed deeply and closed my eyes, “Lord i’m in your hands” i prayed. “he is now accusing me of influencing you. I just wish it’s true” Amara hissed angrily. I shook my head and said nothing. ______ As days went by, my relationship with Mike continued to deteriorate, he kept making promises he couldn’t keep and kept giving one silly excuse after another concerning Stella’s continued stay in his apartment. I had no choice than to watch him carefully, and i felt no regret over the decision i made. I just couldn’t allow myself to be having relations with a guy who was living with another girl no matter the circumstance. To me Mike was just like a married man, and i feared with time he could get very close to his little daughter and perhaps with Stella, if all he told me concerning his battles with her actually were true. My parents thought all was fine between us because I kept everything away from them, something i shouldn’t have done, but i still did out of love. Mike on the other hand felt i was slipping away from him because of Chike, he thought i really was having something strong with him. He thought i was lying and decieving him, without believing that Chike was only a friend to me. Fate has a way of playing tricks on us and life itself is full of mysteries. Personally i felt Mike wasn’t really being honest with me concerning Stella’s continued presence in his apartment, while he felt i was slipping away from him because of Chike. The trust in our relationship was broken, and we all know that relationships are very much built on trust. I feared it was just a matter of time before things finally falls apart. “will my fears eventually come true??”...... I travelled home one saturday morning{weeks later} to see Mike in our house. Of course i really was extremely surprised to see him there, because he never told me he was coming, even though we spoke over the phone the previous night. He was sitting with my parents in the living room when i came in. The look on their faces were grim and serious. I greeted everyone and ran into my room. Mum joined me minutes later. “what is this i hear?” she asked, sitting on my bed. I breathed deeply and faced her. “what is it you hear?” i asked curiously, my thoughts running wild. “Mike is telling us how much you have changed. He is complaining you no longer respect him nor show any atom of care towards him” she explained, keenly observing my reaction. “oh mum, is that what he came so early to report?” i asked, shaking my head. “don’t you deem it serious?. My God he is your fiancee and he has every right to report any bad character you exhibit. You should know better than that” she scolded, “anyway you presence is required in the sitting room. Please be polite and don’t upset your dad. You know after all that boy did for us at the hospital, he developed a very soft spot for him” she advised. I smiled and shrugged. “i guess i shouldn’t tell dad that my innocent fiancee is living with a woman in his apartment” i murmured. Mum gasped and eyed me suspiciously, “don’t be slanderous. I know you just made that up?” she asked. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “mum do you think i’m capable of such huh?, Mike is currently living with his daughter’s mum. What do you expect of me?, give him a pat on the back?, no no no, i can’t do that. The sea fights with the wind yet the ship is the one that sinks” i replied. Mum breathed deeply, stood up and dragged me to the sitting room without another word. ____ Tempers went high, after i revealed the cause of my problem with Mike. Dad was extremely shocked, while Mike nervously tried to play down the whole story. “i’m still having talks with the girl’s parents. My issues with her will soon be resolved, my greatest fear is that i could lose Cyndii before that happens, because with the way she’s behaving i’m really really scared” he nervously explained, putting my parents in a very difficult situation. They all loved him just like i did, but time truly waits for no one, most especially in Africa. The question on my parents lips then were, “how soon will the problems with Stella be resolved?” A very small but difficult question, which he couldn’t convincingly answer. However mum saw through me, she knew there was something else lurking in my fragile heart. She knew something was seriously amiss. The curiousity in her eyes revealed her fears. “Tell me the truth, are you truly seeing someone else?, have you fallen in love with another man?” she finally asked when we were alone in her room. Her eyes keenly reading me. “To find something you cannot see, concentrate on what you can see.”...... WATCH OUT FOR The Next EPISODE ;) Make Sure You Stay Glued to the Page And Hit Like Button as you read so i know u guys are following up. if no Much Response i will Stop. SHARE TO MAKE THE POST MUCH FASTER ;) TIME/TARGET: After I get 30 likes 20 comments 30 shares For this Post Follow *Yemzy* On Fb For More Updates Here *I Luv You All* VOICE of Ibadan - OYO
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:27:18 +0000

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