BETRAYAL(sensational luv story of a campus girl) part 11 we - TopicsExpress


BETRAYAL(sensational luv story of a campus girl) part 11 we entered my room together, where he sat quietly on my bed and watched as i quickly prepared rice that afternoon, because i returned from school with hunger. But the way he stared at me that afternoon really made me to lose concentration a couple of times and equally made me uncomfortable……. _ “please stop staring at me nah” i finally muttered while he laughed, “but i can’t stop myself from staring at you nah” he replied with my tone, which made me to sigh with a smile, “you better go back to your room and watch your t.v, since you are looking for who to watch” i fired back while he laughed out loud “watching you cook is more interesting than any t.v programme” he joked while i eyed him, “big head” i cursed “flat nyash” he cursed back, “na there your eyes go see fast” i replied, while he fell on the bed as he laughed, “madam cook fast, i’m very hungry” he said as he laughed, “i’m not your mother” i replied, as i eyed him……. _ After cooking, i freshened up in my bathroom, before dishing out the rice i cooked on a large plate. We ate together in silence and the way he ate really told me that he was actually hungry….. _ “you cook nice but my mum cook’s better sha” he finally joked with a smile when he was filled up, while i eyed him, “because you don fill you stomach nah, why didn’t you make that comment earlier?” i asked with an angry mien, while he smiled, “hope there is still some left in the pot?” he also asked, “why are you asking?” i asked back with a frown, “cos i will still eat at night nah” he replied, while i sighed with a smile, seriously that boy’s head needed to be spanked that moment…….. _ We were soon in his room where we joked and laughed as we watched a movie and i really was very glad that he finally was able to feel free with me…….. _ I really knew not how it happened, but i soon found myself in his arms, as he kissed me tenderly, he wasn’t a good kisser, but i still enjoyed it as i closed my eyes, and i was equally thrown into another world when he squeezed my left bosom, and the feelings i had that moment was just heavenly. But as i was still enjoying his touch, he suddenly stopped and looked into my eyes, while i opened mine and stared back at him, a little embarrassed…… _ “this is my first time of being this close with a girl” he confessed as he swallowed hard, while i stared at him in silence, because i really did not know how to react or what to say, but then his eyes really said it all as he looked into mine…….. _ “so Benjamin is actually a virgin” i said to myself, as i stared back at him with a fast beating heart……. __ “hope my confession didn’t change anything?” i heard Benjamin anxiously ask, while i touched his jaw and smiled, “no dear it dosen’t” i replied sweetly, and he heaved a sigh of relief, before giving me a kiss on my cheek……. _ I truly didn’t know what else to tell him, and so i stared silently at him, which he equally noticed. He drew closer to me and whispered into my right ear…… _ “hope you are alright baby? Because you are yet to make any comment” he asked, while i breathed deeply and said nothing……… _ “i know you are very surprised?” he asked as he held my right hand. I nodded and smiled, “sure i’m, because it is very hard to believe that at your age and level you have never been intimate with a woman, even for once” i replied, and he looked down unhappily with a drawn jaw, “i know something caused it and i can read it in your eyes and expression, tell me what is it?” i curiously inquired, but he just fidgeted and looked away….. _ “open up to me Ben, you will gain my trust more by opening up” i added, while he bit his lips and stared at me painfully, “i dated a girl for four years without s*x” he confessed and looked down in shame and pain. I reached out my hand and drew his face up, and into his eyes i gazed, “tell me how it all happened dear?” i asked curiously, with a fast beating heart, while he shook his head…….. _ “i loved her with my whole body, soul and spirit, but she took them all in her hand and crushed, as if it was nothing” he said unhappily, while i strongly held his hand as i listened to him………. _ WATCHOUT FOR PART 12
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:41:59 +0000

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