BETTER TO SHOW LOVE THAN TO CARRY LOVE LOVINA: I like it when people call me by my name, ‘Lovina’ or ‘Love’; but when my sweetheart and soul-mate calls me by my name, I kind of dislike it: I have told him not to be calling me by name, but by pet names that will always remind me of the love we share. I love him so much, he is my sweetheart, my darling, my love, my sweet Apple, my Honey… you just name them. DORCAS: Just as it is written, “I sleep, but my heart wakes: it is the voice of my beloved that knocks, saying, “Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night.” (Song of Solomon 5:2) She called him her beloved, but he calls her ‘my sister’, ‘my love’, ‘my dove’, ‘my undefiled’. LOVINA: ‘My honey’, ‘my spouse’ … I just like those names coming from the voice of my beloved; it makes me feel like to open everything to him, including opening my heart, my body and even opening my bag for him to enter as he pleases (Song of Solomon 5:1-2). Speaking about pet names, what about nick-names? I once saw someone preaching on Facebook with a name that is not his real name and I wondered why he preaches, and yet bears a name that is not his true name. But I understood that was just a nick-name, especially when it is not with the intention to be dubious or to deceive the people, but rather for the purpose of convenience and enhanced communication. DORCAS: Even God himself gives nick names to his ministers, and Jesus Christ answered nick name himself when he was preaching on earth: Jesus called himself ‘Son of Man’ as his nick-name, and one day the people asked him, who is this ‘Son of man’? (John 12:38). God the Father calls Jesus ‘My Beloved Son’, calls Ezekiel his prophet ‘Son of Man’ (Ezekiel 37:9), calls Daniel ‘Honorable’, calls James and John ‘Sons of thunder’ or ‘Boanerges’ (Mark 3:17) etc. There is nothing wrong with using nick-name in preaching, and there is nothing wrong in calling a friend by nickname. Nickname is not change of name; for one’s name to be changed, he has to stop or be stopped from answering the previous name. God specifically told Abraham that his name will no more be called ‘Abram’ but ‘Abraham’; which is a change of name because he stopped the other name. He also stopped the name ‘Jacob’ when he gave him the name ‘Israel’ (Genesis 32:28); he stopped the name ‘Sarai’ when he gave her the name ‘Sarah’ (Genesis 17:15) etc. Whenever God stops one’s name in giving him a new name, he changes the name of that man; but whenever God gives a man new or peculiar name without changing his name, he gives that man a nickname. Peter is a nickname, and was not change of name because Jesus did not stop the use of the name ‘Simon’ when he called him ‘Peter’: infact angel told Cornelius to look for one called ‘Simon’ whose nickname is ‘Peter’ (Acts 10:5). Even Jesus, who nicknamed him Peter, still calls him Simon after his resurrection saying, “Simon, Bar-Jonah, do you love me more than these”? And Peter would answer “Yes Lord, you know I love you” and then Jesus would say to him again, “Feed my Lambs”. Thrice it was repeated (John 21:15-17). LOVINA: Speaking of love; it is amazing how people say they love God, but they hate their fellow human being and brother. How can they love the God whom they have not seen, but hate the man whom they have seen? (1 John 4:20) DORCAS: Yes, the word ‘see’ meaning ‘sight’ is important in love: One of the differences between faith and love is that faith: 1. Faith does not need sight; but, 2. Love needs sight. Love uses both faith and sight to operate: you can believe God whom you have not seen, but you cannot love God whom you have not seen without loving the man whom you have seen with your eyes. Love both needs sight and is measured by sight, which is why we must show love: Show love, meaning let the people see that you love them. Secret love or hidden love is useless, for love is not meant to be kept secret: if you love somebody, why don’t you show him or her that you love him or her? Why hiding the love within yourself? Show love to the person, and let him and everyone know that you truly love him by showing it. Many broken relationships would have being healed or kept if men and women knew how to show more of their love and less of their pride to one another: Even God will not believe you love him, until you show him the love and he sees that love manifesting; so why do we want others to believe we love them, but we do not show them love. I have learnt as a lady to swallow my pride and to show any man or woman that I love him or her, by my body language and by my tongue; I am no more scared of approaching any man I have feelings for to express my love for him both by words and deeds – there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear: fear has torment and he or she who fears is not made perfect in love (1 John 4:18). Many women are tormented with fear of being humiliated when they express their love or show love to a man, and so they prefer to suffer in silence or take more energy in giving the man signs, expecting the man to decode. That is so frustrating, especially if the man seems not to be responding. Oh ladies, it is better to have wounds in love than to have fear in love: meaning it is better you summon courage and go straight to the man and tell him how you love him even if the man will despise you or you will lose your pride, than for you to keep the fear of losing your pride and that fear is tormenting you. You can never be better than when you show love. Ofcourse you know that when you show more love, the more you may likely be wounded (humiliated) by those whom you are showing the love to; but keep showing love, and don’t be discourage by men’s reaction: As it is written, “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.” (2 Corinthians 12:15) Some ladies are funny, when they will spend money trying to look good and attractive for that man they admire, spend energy praying and fasting, attending any occasion they feel that the man will attend and make moves towards the man, but they fear to simply go to that man and verbally tell him ‘I love you, truly I do’. There is power in spoken words, it is when you have told the man that you love him, and then demonstrate all those dramas before him, that the man will interpret all your body languages proper and understand what you are communicating to him. I will advise men who want to choose between ladies, to regard any lady who has swallowed her pride to express both in words and deeds to him that she loves him, rather than that one who is nurturing her pride but suffering in silence for him. LOVINA: We show love when that love is seen by others, and it is practical: any love that is no shown is not real, for love is related with sight: As it is written, “Better is the sight of the eyes than the wandering of the desire: this is also vanity and vexation of spirit.” (Ecclesiastes 6:9). Very soon, people will regret, not because they did not have love, but because they did not have the opportunity to show it. The problem of love is not that it does not exist, but that it is looking for opportunity to show himself: Love exists because God is love, but love is looking for who will use every opportunity to show Love exist: God wants to manifest himself, but first he wants to manifest himself through love. It is when his love is manifested that God will manifest himself (John 14:21). Anyone who has love but refuses to show love, will loose the love: True Love is looking for show or expression, not for containers. Do not be a mere container of love, but the expression of love. DORCAS: Wow! I have not heard you talk so powerfully before; so you can talk like this? LOVINA: What do you think? I have being listening to you and in the process catching the spirit or anointing also, especially in the subject of love affairs: Or, why do you think I am called, Lovina?
Posted on: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 08:25:57 +0000

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