BEWARE!!!! IF ANYONE IS LOOKING TO RENT A HOUSE IN WARREN, DO NOT!!!! RENT THE HOUSE ON GANDER. LANDLORDS WILL SCREW YOU OVER AND THROW OUT YOUR THINGS AND PULL OUT YOUR FLOWERS WHEN YOU ARE MOVING OUT. PLEASE BE SURE TO PASS THIS ON TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW. LANDLORDS ACT!!! NICE BUT IN REALITY, THEY ARE MEAN AND WILL HURT YOU IN THE LONG RUN. Now would I be posting in all CAPS if this was not true? They threw out things in my backyard, including my patio table when they had no right to do so. They stole things from the garage and pulled out perennials that they KNEW, because I told them, that I was taking with me. Also the house has so very little water pressure and landlord will not fix it. For over 5 years Ron and I complained about this and they did NOTHING. And when something else needed done, they took their sweet time doing it. Like the water that was wasted because the part for the hose on the house was bad but they kept saying it wasnt. Really? Then why did water drip, drip, drip all the time, no matter how tight I turned the nozzle off. Much more than this but I wont go on. I think you all get the message. Just wanted to warn all my friends so they dont rent this house and have the same problems I have had. Just wait until they get the small claims suit and the suit for my broken rib from falling up the back porch steps because they never put the railing back up that they took down in May. Okay, I am done now. I am totally moved out and NEVER have to deal with this two faced, back stabbing people again. Have a GREAT day everyone!! I get to go see my orthopedic doctor today and find out about the surgery on my hand that will make me not able to use the hand for 2-3 months. Oh happy happy joy joy lol
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 15:55:00 +0000

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