BEWARE OF BACKYARD BREEDERS/PUPPY FARMERS This is the story of - TopicsExpress


BEWARE OF BACKYARD BREEDERS/PUPPY FARMERS This is the story of Rifo who was born from Ladyhawke German Shepherds . Rifo was born almost 4 years ago where Jess and Brad decided to buy a puppy from Dora from Ladyhawke, little did they know there precious pup Rifo would endure more pain than any dog should have to go through, you see this pedigree breeder who hands out fake papers for extra $$, refuses to do appropriate vet screening on her breeding dogs, she says that hip displaysia doesnt exist, or any other hereditary health issues for that matter, she pushes the pups out the door from as young as 4 weeks of age. Rifo has had 3 of his legs operated on in his short life and now has sadly been diagnosed with Lower motor neuron disease, he will lose the use of his back legs and develop incontinence and within time will lose the ability to walk. Jess and Brad are devastated and would like to get the word out about this horrible breeder Dora and stop her breeding practices altogether before too many more dogs like Rifo are sadly bought into this world to suffer. Please share Rifos story and make people aware of not only this horrible woman but all backyard breeders and puppy farms...
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 06:10:27 +0000

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